counseling overview

  • Schedule Change Information

    Student Schedule Change Process

    1. Student completes a ½ credit course.
    2. Teacher will input grade in SEM 1 or SEM2 grading bucket in Skyward
    3. Student will remain in that classroom until the next business day. Student can work on another Canvas course for which he or she is already registered.
    4. Upon student’s return to the school or your class, student will report to the counselor to get a new course.
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  • Mission Statement

    The mission of Crosswinds Accelerated High School is to provide proactive, comprehensive, developmentally appropriate preventative and responsive counseling services. The counseling department provides equal access to all students, to address students usnique academic and career goals. We strive to support their personal and social needs within a positive school climate. Partnering with parents/guardians, staff and the community members has empowered students to explore their passions. Tapping into student interest and talents has lead to increased engagement and continued growth on our campus. Students have been able to identify personal strengths that can enable them to achieve their personal and academic goals. 

    Vision Statement

    The Crosswinds Accelerated High School Counseling Department will empower all students to reach their maximimum potential by using a comprehensive program that will address academic, personal/social, and career goals. We will promote and environment to encourage personal inquiry and a growth mindset focusing on social responsibility and academic excellence. Our collaborative team of counselors, staff, parents/guardians and community members work together to create a supportive, safe and caring atmosphere to promote high academic achievement. Our goal is to help students develop skills to work to their fullest potential and have access to the knowledge and skills necessary to be globally competetive, life-long learners. 

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