There will be a mandatory parents' meeting on Tuesday, February 6th at 6:00pm in the Alex Cafeteria. Doors open at 5:45pm (NO Late Entry)
For interested candidates. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates.
Tryouts are held the week before Spring Break (Tryout Date is Thursday, March 7th)
Interested candidates must attend the Mandatory Parent Meeting and complete a tryout packet.
Below are the requirements to tryout:
1. Have no more than one failing 9 weeks grade in any subject during the academic year of tryouts.
2. Have no more than 5 absences during the semester prior to tryouts.
3. Have not quit/removed a cheerleading squad the prior year.
4. Have an acceptable discipline record and have not attended DAEP during the current academic year.
5. Submit a current and completed physical form.
6. Be enrolled in the school at least 15 school days prior to tryouts.
Cost: $1200-$1700 (depends on squad)