ELA Teachers: Mrs. Estrada, Mrs. Black
Math Teachers: Mrs. Vincent, Mrs. Pearson,
Social Studies Teachers: Mr. Russell, Mr. Iwasaki,
Science Teachers: Mr. Burkett, Mr. Iwasaki
If you are new here
- iPad is updated and working
- Make sure you have Self-Service
- Download Canvas App
- Students should know their complex password
- Review class schedule in Skyward
- Review Bell Schedule
- Set alarms for when to be in each class
- Check website for technology help before reaching out to teacher
- If troubleshooting doesn’t work, e-mail teacher and we will help you resolve
Device Insurance
Volunteer with Sallye Moore Middle School
If you would like to volunteer with the Middle School this year please click the link below to fill out the background check and volunteer information form.
Volunteer Form
Additional Forms and Resources
Free and Reduced Lunch Form
Middle School Bell Schedule
Pre-Ap Summer Reading List and Assignments
Meet the Teacher Night Presentation
Meet the Teacher Night Presentations 6th-8th Grade