First of all I want to thank you for your patience and understanding with dismissal the first couple of days. As you know the first days there is a little more traffic than usual as we try to get all new students used to the dismissal process. Here are some reminders about dismissal.
There are 3 ways for students to get home:
A. Car riders - students are loaded into their cars in the back of the school. Placards or one day passes are required for pick up.
B. Walkers - Walkers are released at 3 different points around the school where they can meet with parents or walk straight home. (Map attached and form attached)
C. Day Care/Bus - student are taken to the front of the school until their bus or daycare vehicle arrives.
We also have Beyond the Bell option which is an after school program for children that need to stay late.
If you decided to switch your child to walker I have attached the form for your convenience. Please email to your child's teacher or drop off at the school.
Again, thank you for your patience the next few days with dismissal.
Permission to Release Child to Walk or Ride Bike Home.pdf Dismissal Map .pdf
Permission to Release Child to Walk or Ride Bike