
  • Every Day Counts

    Now more than ever, student attendance and parent engagement are critical for success at school.  The Student Attendance Department is committed to supporting the students of Grand Prairie ISD by working collaboratively with parents, campuses, and community stakeholders in removing barriers that hinder student attendance and yielding access to district resources that positively impact student achievement.

    attendance logo

    Monitoring Attendance

    Texas law requires students ages 6-19 to attend school each day that instruction is provided. This also applies to students who are younger than six and have previously been enrolled in 1st grade, and to students younger than six who are voluntarily enrolled in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten.

    We strongly encouraged parents to track their student's attendance. To do so, please use the following link to navigate Skyward Family Access: ( Should you need assistance with setting up your Skyward Family Access account, please contact your child’s school. 

    Attendance Notices

    Education Code 25.087 requires school districts to employ truancy prevention measures once a student has three unexcused absences within a four-week period. This rule applies if the unexcused absences occur for full days or portions of the day. In such cases, Attendance Warning Letters will be sent to the email address and mailed to the physical address on file in Skyward.

    Partnership with Parents

    Parents, we need your help!  You can assist us in helping improve student attendance by:

    • Monitoring your student’s school attendance and requiring the student to attend school;
    • Requesting a conference with the school officials to discuss absences and/or extenuating circumstances.
    • Ensuring your home address, email address, phone number(s), and emergency contacts are correct and updated in Skyward.
    • Submitting an excuse note to the attendance office for all unexcused absences.

    Please refer to the Attendance Tips for Parents page for more!

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  • What do I do if my child has to be absent from school?

  • What types of absences may be excused?

  • What is the school/district’s responsibility regarding school attendance?

  • What should I do if I received a Warning Letter regarding my student’s attendance?

  • What if there is an error with my students Attendance?

  • What is the parent/guardian’s responsibility?

  • What are the laws governing school attendance?