
  • Diagnosticians are here to assess and diagnose the learning problems of students. They are also key support personnel who counsel the children and consult with teachers, parents, and others on the child’s progress. They will assess a student, plan an appropriate program for that student. Once the assessment is complete, the diagnostician will determine if the child is eligible for special services under Title I, special education, or bilingual education programs. After the determination is made, the educational diagnostician, who often serves in a case manager’s role, meets with the child’s teacher and discusses the classification and the best way to teach the student. They may recommend that the child be allowed extra time during tests or to take them orally if written communication is a problem. Or the diagnostician may discuss with the teacher where to place the child’s desk. A highly distractible child may need to be placed directly in front of the teacher if the child has peer interaction problems. Whatever program and/or techniques are decided upon, the educational diagnostician in many school districts assumes responsibility for seeing that the program is implemented.

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