- Grand Prairie Independent School District
- Parents and Students
Johnson DAEP Parent and Student Documents
2024-2025 Parent Involvement Policy
2024-2025 Parent Compact
2023-2024 Parent Involvement Policy
Canvas For Students
This is to access the canvas webpage to access courses and modules from your home campus.
Johnson DAEP "Point System"
Johnson DAEP Point System
Once a student is assigned to Johnson DAEP, they are given a point goal that they will need to reach in order to earn their release, based on the amount of days that they are assigned and their offense.
- 10 days = 3,100 points
- 15 days = 4,650 points
- 20 days = 6,200 points
- 30 days = 9,300 points
- 45 days = 13,950 points
- 60 days = 18,600 points
Bonus Points
- 50 points - each perfect morning
- 50 points - each perfect afternoon
Point Recovery
- Loss of 25+ points: 30-minute Point Recovery
- stay with 1st period teacher until 3: 15
Points are earned through appropriate behavior and work during their classes, and through additional activities that they can participate in or perform. Here is a briefoverview of how the points work:
Each class period, a student with appropriate behavior and focused classwork earns 30 points. Misbehavior or lack of work results in point deductions ranging from 2 to 10 points per offense. If they earn 30 points per class period they will be awarded the bonus points mentioned above. The 100 point bonus for a perfect day can reduce the number of days for a student to reach their release point goal.
30 days can be reached in 20 perfect days; 45 days can be reached in 30 perfect days,
60 days can be reached in 40 perfect days
Why are you taking points off?
Here is the list of demerit codes from the AEP point sheets, what they mean, and how points will be deducted for each offense.
Code A - Dress code violation - 15 points
- Not wearing your ID on your neck
- Not having your shirt tucked in properly
- Jewelry
- Sagging pants
Code B - Disrespectful - range from 2 points to 5 points (per event)
- Name calling
- Improper behavior/action
Code C - Interrupting Class - range from 2 points to 5 points (per event)
- Drawing unnecessary attention to yourself
- Noises, comments, or actions that cause class discussion or activity to get "offtrack"
Code D - Not following directions - range from 2 points to 5 points (per event)
- Failure or refusal to do what you have been asked or told to do
- Doing as instructed, but not within an appropriate amount of time
Code E - Not having materials - range from 2 to 10 points (per item not brought to class)
- No paper
- No pencil
- Any other material as required by the teacher
Code F - Profanity- 50 points (per event)
- Cuss words
- Racial slurs
- Inappropriate language, gestures or graphics
Code G - Inattention in class - 5 points (per time period)
- Putting your head down (on the table, on your arms)
- Not maintaining appropriate eye contact with the teacher or class focus
Code H - Unapproved matter in mouth - range from 2 to 5 points (per event)
- Anything not permanently attached (teeth, tongue, braces)
- Examples include, but are NOT limited to: gum, paper, candy, jewelry
Code I - No work - 5 points (per time period)
- Not completing assigned work in a timely manner
- Not staying focused on task
Code J - Other - range from 2 points to 10 points (per time period)
- Any other inappropriate behavior that the teacher or administrators feel needs to be addressed
Johnson DAEP Student Dress Code - English
Johnson DAEP Student Dress Code (Print Version - PDF)
Johnson DAEP Student Dress Code
Students MUST be in dress code when they arrive at Johnson DAEP. If they come to school out of dress code, they will need to contact a parent to bring the appropriate clothing or they will be sent home to change clothes. If a student misses a day of school due to dress code, it will be considered an UNEXCUSED absence.
The dress code at Johnson is as follows:
- Black, Navy or white collared shirt (polo shirt or buttoned shirt)
- Dress slacks with belt loops - black, navy blue, or khaki (no jeans & no slacks with rivets)
- Belt - solid black, brown, tan, or white
- Athletic/tennis shoes (only) and socks - solid white, brown, tan, or black
- Undershirts - only plain white or light gray ( either short or long sleeved)
- Student ID from home campus on a lanyard (replacement IDs cost $5.00)
- Shorts, Capri's, leggings, cargo pants, windbreaker pants, skinny pants, sweatpants, joggers, or jeans (ANY KIND OR COLOR OF JEANS)
- Hoodies instead of collared shirts
- Sagging pants or oversized clothing
- Dress shoes, Sperrys, boots, sandals, high heels, sliders, or open-toed shoes
- Belts with studs or inappropriate designs
- Undergarments that are visible through the clothing
- Jewelry, including watches, necklaces, tongue rings, and all types of earrings. If jewelry is brought to school, it will be taken up at the door and returned to the student at the end of the placement, or it will be returned to the parent.
- Blue or red clothing, including socks, shoes, and shoelaces. No clothing may have a red or blue marking on it of any kind, including the logo or label.
- Removable teeth grills, or disruptive make-up or hairstyles, including but not limited to razor cuts, unnaturally dyed, colored, or painted hair, or any hairstyle or design that might infer gang affiliation.
- All student's fingernails must be kept clipped short
ALL TATTOOS AND HICKEYS MUST BE COVERED WHILE THE STUDENT ATTENDS JOHNSON DAEP. If they are uncovered, the student will be out of dress code and must contact a parent.
Students ARE NOT ALLOWED to have backpacks, purses, or cell phones.
The principal reserves the right to establish additional rules during the school year as needed. Any guestion or issue regarding the dress code will be referred to the principal for resolution.
Johnson DAEP Student Dress Code - Español
Johnson DAEP Código de Vestuario (Print Version - PDF)
Johnson DAEP Código de Vestuario.
Los estudiantes deben de seguir el código de vestuario cuando lleguen a Johnson DAEP. Sí llegan a la escuela sin cumplir con el código de vestuario, tendrán que contactar a un padre de familia para que les traiga ropa apropiada o los mandaremos a casa para cambiarse de ropa más apropiada. Sí un estudiante falta a clases por no cumplir con el código de vestuario, su falta será considerada sin excusa.
El código de vestuario en Johnson es el siguiente:
- Camisa negra o blanca o azúl marino con cuello (estilo polo o una camisa con botones)
- Pantalones de vestir con trabillas - negros, azules, o khaki - pantalones sin remache(~ permite el uso de pantalones de mezclilla)
- Cinto - café, negro, khaki, o blanca, de un solo color
- Solamente zapatos deportivos/tenis y calcetines - negros, blancos, khaki, o café de un solo color
- La tarjeta de identificación estudiante de la escuela de origen ( el costo para reemplazar la tarjeta es de $5.00)
- Pantalones cortos, pantalones Capri (pantalón a la rodilla o de media pierna), medias (mallas), pantaloneras, joggers, o jeans
- Chaqueta con gorra en vez de camisa de cuello
- Pantalones caídos o vestuario de talla grande
- No Botas, no Zapato de vestir, no Sperrys, no sliders
- Cintos con remaches o diseños inapropiados
- Ropa interior visible a través del vestuario
- Joyas, incluyendo relojes, collares, anillos de la lengua, y todo tipo de aretes. Sí trae joyas a la escuela, se le será removida en la puerta y se le regresará al estudiante al final del día, ó se le regresará al padre de familia
- Vestuario azul o rojo, incluyendo calcetines, zapatos, y cintas de zapatos. Nada del vestuario podrá tener marcas rojas o azules de ningún tipo, incluyendo el logotipo o marca
- Dientes de metal removibles, o maquillaje o peinado llamativo, incluyendo tinte de pelo de color que no sea natural, o cualquier estilo de cabello o diseño que sea relacionado o tenga afiliación a alguna pandilla
- Todos los estudiantes deben de tener las unas de las manos cortas
TODOS LOS TA TU AJES Y MARCAS DEL CUERPO DEBERÁN EST AR CUBIERTOS EL TIEMPO QUE EL ESTUDIANTE ESTÉ ASISTIENDO A LA ESCUELA JOHNSON DAEP. Sí están descubiertos, el estudiante no estará siguiendo el código de vestuario y tenderá que contactar a sus padres.
A NINGÚN ESTUDIANTE SE LE PERMITIRÁ tener mochilas, bolsas, o teléfonos celulares. El director tiene el derecho de establecer reglas adicionales durante el año escolar si es necesario. Cualquier pregunta o queja relacionada al código de vestuario será referida al director para tener resolución.
Transportation Information
Bus Transportation Information (Print Version - PDF)
Transporte En Autobus (Print Version - PDF)
Students are subject to guidelines of the Student Code of Conduct when they are on school transportation. Any student who violates that code or the established rules of conduct while on school transportation may be denied transportation services and will be disciplined.
The following rules will apply to student conduct on school transportation:
- Follow the driver's and bus monitor's directions at all times.
- Board and leave the bus in an orderly manner at the designated bus stop.
- Keep books, feet, and other objects out of the aisle.
- Do not deface the bus and/or its equipment.
- Do not put head, hands, arms, or legs out of the window or hold any object out of the window or throw objects out of the bus.
- Do not smoke or use any form of tobacco, illegal drugs, controlled substance or alcohol.
- Do not eat or drink while on the bus.
- Using profanity and/or vulgar language is not allowed on the bus.
- Talking about sex, drugs, alcohol, or fighting is not allowed on the bus.
- Upon leaving the bus, wait for the driver's signal before crossing in front of the bus.
- I.D. badges must be worn at all times while on the bus.
- Students must be in dress code to get on the bus, and remain in dress code to ride the bus.
- Observe all usual classroom rules.
- Be seated while the vehicle is moving.
- Fasten seat belts - if seat belts are provided.
When a student violates the rules of conduct on school transportation:
- A conference with the principal, the student, the driver, and the parent(s) may be required.
- The principal may suspend the student's bus-riding privileges. If so, the parents will be notified prior to the time the suspension takes effect.
- In the case of serious misconduct that endangers the safety of other passengers or the driver, the driver should contact his/her supervisor or call for law enforcement assistance. The principal and parents will be notified of the situation as soon as possible. The student will not be allowed to ride the bus until a conference involving all persons listed above has been held.
Transportation/ Transportación: 972.343.4400
Los estudiantes deben de seguir el Código de Conducta Estudiantil cuando usen el transporte escolar. Cualquier estudiante que no siga dicho Código o las reglas de conducta establecidas, mientras use el transporte escolar, se le podrá negar ese servicio y será disciplinado.
Las siguientes reglas guiarán la conducta de los estudiantes sobre el transporte escolar:
- Seguir las instrucciones del chofer en todo momento.
- Subir y bajar del autobús de manera ordenada y en la parada designada.
- Poner los libros, los pies y cualquier objeto fuera del pasillo.
- No maltratar o dañar el autobús y/o su equipo.
- No sacar la cabeza, manos, brazos o piernas por la ventana o sacar algún objeto fuera de la ventana, ni tirar ningún objeto dentro o fuera del autobús.
- No fumar ni usar cualquier forma de tabaco, drogas ilegales, sustancia controlada o alcohol.
- No comer o beber mientras esté en el autobús.
- No se permite decir maldiciones o usar palabras obscenas u ofensivas en el autobús.
- No se permite hablar de temas acerca del sexo, drogas, alcohol, o peleas en el autobús.
- Al salir del autobús, debe esperar la señal del chofer antes de cruzar en frente del autobús
- La tarjeta de identificación estudiantil debe estar visible en todo momento.
- Estar vestidos según el código de atuendo escolar para poder entrar y permanecer en el autobús.
- Observar todas las reglas regulares del salón de clase.
- Permanecer sentados mientras se mueve el vehículo.
- Usar el cinturón - si están disponibles.
Cuando un estudiante viola las reglas de conducta sobre el transporte escolar:
- Pueda ser requiera una junta entre el estudiante, sus padres, el director y el chofer.
- El director puede suspender los privilegios de viajar en autobús del estudiante. De ser así, los padres serán notificados antes de que la suspensión tenga efecto.
- En el caso de una conducta inapropiada y grave que ponga en peligro la seguridad de los pasajeros o del chofer, el chofer debe ponerse en contacto con su supervisor o pedir asistencia policiaca. El director y los padres serán notificados tan pronto coma sea posible. El estudiante no podrá viajar en el autobús hasta que se lleve a cabo una conferencia entre todas las personas mencionadas anteriormente.
Transportation/ Transportación: 972.343.4400
Bell Schedule
Tardy bell - 7:15 a.m.
PERIOD TIME 1st 7:20-8:30 a.m. 2nd 8:30-9:25 a.m. 3rd 9:25-10:20 a.m. 4th 10:20-11:15 a.m. 5th 11:15 a.m.-12:40 p.m. LUNCH 11:15-11:45 a.m. 6th 12:40-1:35 p.m. 7th 1:35-2:30 p.m. Advisory 2:30-2:45 p.m.