Middle School State Testing

  • Middle School State TestingMiddle School Students Will Participate In The Following Assessments Under STAAR:

    Grade 6 Reading and Math

    Grade 7 Reading, and Math

    Grade 8 Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, (students enrolled in high school English I) English I end of course 

    Grade 7-8 (students enrolled in high school mathematics) Algebra I End-of-Course STAAR Test

    Student Performance:

    Once students have taken a STAAR assessment they will receive a score indicating their performance. Student performance will fall in to one of the three categories below.

    • Masters Academic Performance
    • Meets Academic Performance
    • Approaches Academic Performance
    • Did Not Meet







    Social Studies

    Grades 3-5

    Grade 3
    Grade 4
    Grade 5

    Grade 3
    Grade 4
    Grade 5

    Grade 5

    Grades 6-8

    Grade 6
    Grade 7
    Grade 8

    Grade 6
    Grade 7
    Grade 8

    Grade 8

    Grade 8 


    English I
    English II

    English I
    English II

    Algebra I


    U.S. History

    STAAR Spanish






    Social Studies

    Grades 3-5

    Grade 3
    Grade 4
    Grade 5 

    Grade 3
    Grade 4
    Grade 5 

    Grade 5 

    STAAR End-of-Course Accelerated Instruction Program and Summer Retest Opportunities:

    Middle School students who have completed Algebra I or English I high school course and failed the EOC exam are allowed to retest on STAAR EOC test they have already taken and may qualify for an Accelerated Instruction Summer Program.

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