- Grand Prairie Independent School District
- Business Operations
Business Operations
Business Operations Handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to outline Federal, State, and Local guidelines and document the processes used in the Grand Prairie Independent School District to ensure compliance. The information in this handbook is subject to change.
Accounts Payable
Activity Fund
Activity Funds are accounted for on a centralized basis in the Business Office. Activity Funds are processed through three main accounts:
- Fund 461 – Campus Activity Fund
This account is used to process cash receipts and expenditures to be used for the benefit of the student body as a whole. The district exercises managerial authority over campus activity funds, usually through the campus principal. Typical uses include student expenditures that promote the general welfare of the school and the educational development and morale of all students and staff.
- Fund 865 – Student Activity Fund
This account is held by the school as a trustee to be expended only for the purposes authorized by the student club, class, or organization. Specifically, they are funds accumulated from various school-approved money-raising activities. The district exercises responsibility for the Student Activity Funds; that is, it serves in a custodial role for the student group’s money, and the club sponsors serve in a fiduciary capacity. To establish a Student Activity account, an organization should have an approved constitution and elected officers. All funds raised by student organizations must be expended exclusively for the benefit of the students.
- Fund 895 – Agency Fund
This account is used to process cash receipt and expenditures to be used for the benefit of the staff Sunshine Group. Campus Sunshine Committee is the District Administrator’s responsibility to see that we protect all staff from potential legal liability regarding the handling of funds. In the matter of the Sunshine Committee, the collection of monies is done during the campus employee contracted time and the funds are expended as representing your campus; therefore, it must be handled through the Agency Fund.
Each campus is assigned sub-accounts to manage the financial operations of various campus or student or agency groups.
GPISD Constitution and Bylaws (Print Version - PDF)
GPISD Activity Fund Manual (Print Version - PDF)
895 Sponsor Contract (Print Version - PDF)
865 Sponsor Contract (Print Version - PDF)
461 Sponsor Contract (Print Version - PDF)
LM Sponsor Contract (Print Version - PDF)
Finance Training (Print Version - PDF)
School administration is not responsible for funds collected, disbursed and controlled by lunchroom or by outside organizations (i.e., PTA, athletic and band boosters clubs, etc.) and these funds should not be accounted for in a school district’s activity funds. These organizations do not have the authorization to contract and/or sign on behalf of the District/Campus, utilize the District/Campus address or Tax ID number.
Budgets and Grants
If you need to transfer funds within a function, these are called Budget Transfers and may be requested using the Skyward Finance System. The Board does not approve Budget TRANSFERS.
If you need to transfer funds between functions, these are called Budget Revisions. The Board of Trustees must approve any Budget REVISIONS.
- The Budget Revision Request Form (Print Version - PDF) needs to be completed with the campus/department name, the person who prepared the request, the reason for the request and date.
- List where the account funds are coming from and where the account funds are going to. These amounts should equal.
- In special circumstances, this could be a one-sided entry. If for example, a request for a new program was approved at your campus/department and the funds will come from the district level for your campus/department.
- When completed the form should be signed by the Principal/Director and submitted to the Finance Office for approval.
Budget Transfers with Grant Funds between functions do not require Board approval.
The Grand Prairie ISD’s link to CFR Part 200 - EDGAR provides basic information on the major grants in place within the district and serves as a guide, policies and procedures regarding requests for and use of grant funds. Adherence to grant policies and procedures ensures compatibility with district goals and compliance with legal requirements for programmatic and financial accountability. This manual is not all-inclusive and careful reading of the requirements of each grant acquired by the district is required. For further questions regarding all grant related issues, please call the Finance Department.
EDGAR Frequently Asked Questions (Print Version - PDF)
Financial Reports: 2021-2022
Donation/Grant Procedures and Forms