Professional Learning
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General FAQ
Is each teacher required to complete a Professional Development Plan?
The Goal-Setting and Professional Development (GSPD) process is an ongoing, recursive process where teachers reflect on current professional practices, identify professional growth goals, establish a professional development plan to attain those goals, track progress towards goals over the course of the year, and reflect on goal attainment, including how the goals and professional development actually refined practices. The teacher self-assessment, goal setting and professional development are all interwoven and applied throughout the year to positively impact each teacher’s professional practices and ultimately increase student performance.
As a result of the self-assessment, the teacher formulates targeted goals to discuss with the appraiser during the GSPD Conference. The appraiser and the teacher discuss the plan and the appraisal has final approval. -
Who determines what a teacher is to take for professional growth?
Each teacher will conduct a self-assessment by reviewing data and reflecting on professional practices to determine teacher and student needs. In addition to student and teacher data, this review includes an in-depth analysis of the domains, dimensions, and descriptors of the T-TESS Rubric and the Texas Teacher Standards outlined in Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 149. Both of these documents communicate best practices and identify standards for teacher performance. As a result of the self-assessment, the teacher formulates targeted goals to discuss with the appraiser during the GSPD Conference. The goals should reflect how the teacher will change his/her practices to effectively impact student outcomes.
Can these requirements change during the year?
Absolutely. This is a working document that is signed and agreed upon by both parties.
To whom are the professional staff members accountable for their professional development requirements?
The principal or the principal's designee confirms that all district requirements have been met.
Each educator is responsible for maintaining documentation of all of his/her CPE required activities for re-certification each five-year period. Classroom teachers must complete 150 CPE hours. Administrators and Student Services must complete 200 CPE hours.
Can professional staff be required to attend summer sessions?
Staff cannot be required to work or be in attendance at sessions after the conclusion of one contract year and prior to the next contract year. The teacher may elect to attend professional learning activities during the summer for personal growth and to complete the required 150 CPE hours for re-certification.
I'm a paraprofessional. Do I have professional growth requirements , too?
This is a campus decision based on the needs of each campus. Paraprofessionals may attend sessions for professional growth. Principals should keep in mind, however, that requiring after-hours training becomes an overtime/comp-time issue for paraprofessional staff.