Media Processes and Procedures

  • Media Relations

    Grand Prairie ISD prides itself on maintaining a productive working relationship with the local media.

    The Public Engagement and Public Information Department is charged with overseeing media relations and will support all our schools and departments by managing all interactions with reporters and news organizations.

    We will provide assistance to print, broadcast and online media with interview requests, access to campuses, photos, and press releases. Typically, the Superintendent of Schools (or a designee) serves as the primary spokesperson for the District on all matters of District-wide interest. The president of the Board of Trustees serves as the primary spokesperson for the Board.

    The District is committed to cultivating and maintaining an open and productive relationship with the news media. We recognize the media are a source of information about our schools for families and the community.

    The District also recognizes the importance of ensuring the safety and privacy of students, staff, and families. District officials, schools, and staff will cooperate with the news media to the extent that is required and appropriate by law, while ensuring media coverage does not interfere with teaching and learning.

    Please direct all media inquiries to Sam Buchmeyer, Director of Public Information, in the Department of Public Engagement and Public Information at 972.237.5380.

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  • Media Guidelines

    It is the policy of the Grand Prairie Independent School District to work cooperatively with the news media for coverage of issues and events involving the school district, its students or staff. However, Grand Prairie ISD is dedicated to providing all students with a safe, learning environment without unnecessary interruptions. Therefore, the following guidelines are in effect at all district campuses and facilities:

    • All media inquiries should be directed to the Public Information Officer including inquiries sent via e-mail. Exceptions include routine athletic and/or extracurricular activity news coverage during games, tournaments, and/or performances conducted outside the normal school day.
    • The Public Information Officer and/or the Public Engagement and Public Information Department should be contacted when a representative of the media requests to visit a campus or arrives at a campus without prior approval. If a member of the media is onsite without prior approval, he/she should be sent to the Public Engagement and Public Information Department at the GPISD Education Center (2602 S. Belt Line Road).
    • Media personnel may be allowed on campus to interview staff or students during the school day with approval from the Public Information Office and appropriate notification to the campus or building administrator.

      • Cameras/reporters will not be allowed into the classroom or on the campus unless the classroom teacher and/or appropriate staff members have been notified and it is determined that such a visit will not be disruptive to the learning environment.
      • Photographs or video may be taken by the media at the discretion the Public Information Officer and/or the building or campus administrator. Parental permission is not required, but should be obtained if time and circumstances permit.
      • Grand Prairie ISD strictly enforces and follows student privacy preferences and release of student information as outlined in FERPA guidelines (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act).
      • The Superintendent or her designee shall be the official spokesperson for Grand Prairie ISD.
      • All open records requests should be referred to the Public Information Officer – Sam Buchmeyer – immediately upon receipt.

    Grand Prairie ISD Media Guidelines at Board Meetings

    It is the policy of the Grand Prairie Independent School District to work cooperatively with the news media for coverage of issues and events involving the school district, its students or staff. However, at meetings of the Grand Prairie ISD Board of Trustees, the District is dedicated to maintaining an orderly, respectful environment without unnecessary interruptions. Therefore, the following guidelines are in effect for media attending board meetings:

    • All cameras should be positioned on the tiled portion of the board room.
    • If there is a need to place microphones on the lectern or the dais, AV staff is available to assist.
    • No media interviews will be allowed in the board room. A space has been made available for interviews directly across from the board room. District staff will escort media to that location.

    Please feel free to ask any member of the Public Engagement/Public Information Office for assistance.

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