- Bill Arnold Middle School
- Band
- Practice Log
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Practice Logs are due in class each Wednesday.
Practice Logs are due each week, excluding Holidays or breaks.
A parent signature is required at the bottom of each Practice Logs for the student to receive full credit for their weekly practice.
Grading Rubric:
100% = 5 Days Practiced
80% = 4 Days Practiced
60% = 3 Days Practiced
40% = 2 Days Practiced
20% = 1 Days Practiced
0% = 0 Days Practiced
Please Note:
Band is a performance based class. Students will not be able to keep up with the pace of the class if they are not practicing their instrument on their own and at home throughout the week.
This does not include illness (if it is accompanied by a doctor's note), or a death in the family.
Minimum practice time of 25 minutes per day - Less than 25 minutes per day will not be counted as a day of practice.
Students will not be able to pass off an objective every week, resulting in the highest grade possible on their Practice Journal to be 100%. There are multiple reasons for this:
Student has not completed all of their Objectives
Student was unable to master an Objective for that week, etc.
If a Practice Journal is turned in without a parent signature, 50 points will be deducted from their original grade.
Late Practice Journals will receive -10/day that they are late.
If a student is absent the day that it is due, they will need to turn in their Practice Log their first day back with a parent note attached to the Practice Log.
Late Practice Journals will not be accepted after the Thursday that they were due.
It is the student's responsibility to pick up or print off their Practice Log.
Practice Tips
1. Start with low/slow scales or other appropriate warm-ups. Try for good tone, good positions, and good relaxation.
2. Look at your Objective Sheet a for the week to plan the day's practice session.
3. Start with an exercise that you know needs improvement. Find a couple hard spots. Play them slowly, a few notes at a time.
4. Add more notes. Go faster each time. Play it 5 times in a row, correctly.
6. Use a pencil and mark spots in the music. Be neat.
7. Work on fun music and sight-reading when you have finished your lesson assignment.
8. Use good posture all the time. (Optional...Buy a music stand.) Try your hardest at all times.
9. Stop and record what your practiced on your Practice Journal.