Welcome to Theatre at Jackson Middle School in Grand Prairie ISD
![Decorative Image](/cms/lib/TX01001872/Centricity/Domain/11493/images.jpeg)
Director: Mark Hillegass Jr.
Email: Mark.Hillegass@gpisd.org
Phone: (972) 264-2704
Office Hours: Mon., Tues., TH. - 4:20-4:50pm
Mission Statement
The program is intended to foster teamwork, perseverance, time management, responsibility, commitment, leadership, pride, life skills, to learn all aspects of each individual art, and most of all, to have fun. The main goal is to grow as an individual and learn how to work together with others to achieve a common goal. For every little task we accomplish, it brings us closer to our goals. It is the process that we must go through in order for us to reach our goals and in turn become successful. Success is not measured by the amount of points you score or awards you receive; success is what you have gained through the experience you have encountered during the journey. Overcoming adversity and challenges will make you a stronger and better person. We strive for excellence and mastery in all activities!
What Is Theatre?
For more information about our Theatre program, please view the handbook below:
Theatre Handbook