Advanced Academic Program

  • Advanced Academics is a program for students who are highly motivated, developing college-bound behavior, and capable of performing at an academic level above their grade placement. At this level, students move at a faster pace in a more academically challenging environment to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. These courses provide students with opportunities to develop a strong foundation by exploring a subject in greater depth and developing skills, habits of mind, and concepts needed to succeed in college preparatory coursework. 

    Advanced Academic courses prepare students for the Advanced and Advanced Placement (AP) courses they have the opportunity to take in high school and are offered in the four core subject areas. Additionally, Spanish III is a Advanced course. Advanced Academic students can expect more independent learning and more homework than a regular class. Students and parents are required to sign and abide for the Grand Prairie ISD Advanced Academic/AP contract.

    Students may express an interest in taking a Advanced course by obtaining a Advanced Academic Request form from the Advanced Academics Specialist or the counselors' office. Prior grades, achievement test scores, and STAAR scores are evaluated by the Advanced Academics Specialist when a student is considering enrollment into an Advanced Academic course.