GPFAA Counseling

  • GPFAA induction

    Visit this page for information about GPFAA induction.

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  • Mission Statement

    The mission of Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy counseling department is to provide high quality comprehensive school counseling services to all students. The programs offered by the school are designed to help all students to improve and enrich their academic, social, career, and personal strengths. Collaboration and cooperation between counselors, students, faculty, administrators, parents, and the community will provide a safe and caring environment to assist all students in becoming responsible and productive lifelong learners.

    Vision Statement

    The vision of Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy Counseling Department is to empower all students to reach their maximum potential by using a comprehensive program that addresses academic, personal/social, and career goals. Our counseling department will promote an environment to encourage personal inquiry and growth, social responsibility, and academic excellence. School counselors believe that every student can succeed through the collaborative efforts of school, home, and community leading to responsible and productive citizens.

    Helpful Links and Resources

    GPFAA Counseling Staff Roles & Responsibilities

    GPFAA Student Survey 

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Counseling Staff

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