Texas Health Self-Care

  • Texas Health Self-Care (Print Version - PDF)

    Maintaining good self care is a vital aspect of recovery and allows for improvements in our relationships and overall quality of life. 

    Physical Self-Care

    Sleep: Use proper sleep hygiene to obtain the appropriate amount of rest and sleep. Establish a bedtime routine and create a comfortable environment for sleep.
    Nutrition: Eat a balanced diet, selecting a variety of foods from all food groups. Eat frequent small meals and drink plenty of water.
    Medication: Take medications as prescribed and accurately report symptoms and side-effects to your physician.
    Exercise: Strive for a minimum of 20 minutes, 3x's per week, building up to around 30 minutes each day. Choose an activity yu enjoy and put yoru exercise routine in your schedule. 

    Personal Self-Care

    Occupation/Education: Apply yourself in your career, education, household and volunteer work to gain a sense of accomplishment and improve self-esteem.
    Therapy: Participate and engage in therapeutic activities and groups. Create a recovery and safety plan. 
    Recreation: Engage in hobbies at least 2-3x's per week. If you are lacking in hobbies, begin by exploring different activities or revisit interests from your youth.
    Relaxation: Slow down. Participate in calming and self-soothing activities, such as prayer, meditation, yoga, enjoying a warm bath, lighting candles, etc.