• Mission possible


    Arnold SEL Team Mission Statement 


    The mission of Arnold Middle School Counseling Department is to: 

    ● Address and provide inclusive access to our student population of 6th-8th graders a student-centered approach using multiple data points to provide problem-solving strategies and behavior interventions. - Access 

    ● Be committed to assisting students with removing social and emotional barriers that are impeding student achievement and ensure all students maximize growth, achievement and success. -Success 

    ● Implement a comprehensive Counseling Program that promotes equity by focusing on Career Exploration and College Readiness using quality research-based, data-driven programs (like Start with Hello Violence Prevention, Positive Behavior Intervention Supports, and Xello Internet-based career exploration and planning database). - Equity 

    ● Effectively and actively communicate the district and counseling mission to all stakeholders and demonstrate our commitment to our students to: 

    1. Seeing things clearly, seeing them better, and making them better.  

    2. Being known by their work and doing all things with excellence.  

    3. Choosing to be smart with their words, thoughts, actions and time, and to leave childish ways behind, which is a life-long journey.