1st Grade

  • Hello and welcome to first grade!!! We are excited to have you and your child join us for a year of exciting learning. In first grade your child will be learning and developing new concepts and strategies in all subjects. First grade is an important grade level where students will need continued support from parents to ensure a successful and productive school year.

    What can you expect this year?

    Homework: Your child will have reading, writing, grammar, and math homework throughout the week. Please make sure you sign daily in your child’s homework folder/binder so you are aware of your child’s behavior and responsibilities for that evenings homework. 

    Discipline: Each classroom has worked collaboratively to construct a social contract. Students are implementing Leader in Me qualities with the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  Your child will be held accountable for following those leadership qualities.

    Communications: Behavior sheets with comments located in the homework folder/binder will be the primary method of daily communication. If you have questions or concerns you may call or email your child’s teacher. 

    Your child can continue their learning at home using some of these websites, which are also located on the Marshall web page.

             abcya         starfall         razkids

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1st Grade

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