1st Grade

  • Ochoa first graders are engaged every day in various literacy, mathematical, and scientific activities. Each day offers numerous opportunities to read, write, think critically, and engage in hands-on learning experiences.

    Our first graders are involved in writing, illustrating, and following the writing process to publish and share their work. This exciting activity helps them build confidence and take pride in their achievements.

    Science and social studies are woven into the reading curriculum, with the goal of helping students use their reading skills to gain knowledge from informational texts. This approach enhances their associative skills and fundamental abilities. The natural curiosity children have about the world around them keeps them highly interested.

    Ochoa first graders are also being taught to think mathematically and develop reasoning skills. Through a variety of hands-on lessons using manipulatives, they learn to identify relationships and patterns and use numbers confidently to solve problems. Beyond arithmetic, they are exploring measurement, geometry, statistics, and probability.

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1st Grade

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