Campus Guidelines


    Morning drop-off times vary from school to school, according to guidelines established by campus principals that are based on availability of staff to supervise students before school starts. 

    Standard campus hours in the District are as follows:

    • Elementary schools: 8:10 a.m.-3:35 p.m.
    • Middle schools: 8:50 a.m.-4:15 p.m.
    • High schools: 7:35 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

    For specific information about a school’s hours, visit:


    Some campuses host breakfast in the classroom to better meet the needs of our students; others serve breakfast in the cafeteria.


    Each campus will design a dismissal plan for families to reunite after school is dismissed.


    Students earn daily attendance by attending school in-person.  Each teacher will document daily attendance in Skyward.


    Teachers will follow the provisions of the Grand Prairie ISD Grading Procedures manuals for elementary and secondary schools. All instruction will be aligned to the delivery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.


    Elementary teachers will use Google Classroom to provide instructional content to students.  Secondary teachers will use Canvas to provide instructional content to students.  Teaching and Learning will support campus iCoaches with Google Classroom organization for clarity and consistency across grade levels and campuses.


    There are three avenues for parents to access technology support:

    1. Parents can access online support for technology through the district website at:


    1. Contact the Instructional Media Specialist at their child’s home school.
    2. Email

    In your email, please include the following information

    • Student Name
    • Student ID Number
    • Device Tag number (on the back or bottom of the device)
    • Campus attending
    • Valid email address for response
    • Valid call back number for response
    • Description of the issue that you are experiencing or a screenshot of the message
    Comments (-1)
  • Updated July 28, 2022
    *Some protocols may be subject to change based on updated guidance from the state of Texas, public health authorities, or changing conditions in Dallas County and/or Tarrant County.
    *Algunos protocolos pueden estar sujetos a cambios con base de recomendaciones actualizadas del estado de Texas, autoridades de salud pública, o condiciones cambiantes en el condado de Dallas y/o Tarrant.