- Grand Prairie Independent School District
- Instructional Planning
Moving Forward with ESSER III
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Instructional Planning
Grand Prairie ISD is committed to providing high-quality educational experiences that are designed to help students thrive and achieve their goals.
Beginning-of-the-Year Baselines and Intervention:
Intervention and enrichment time will be scheduled regularly for students to best meet their academic needs. During this time, students may engage in assigned group activities, project learning activities, small-group instruction, and digital platforms. Teachers will communicate with students their plan for the designated time. The following considerations will be adhered to ensure all students receive an optimal learning experience that addresses their specific educational needs.
Re-entry Plan: Data will be collected and analyzed through a Beginning of the Year (BOY) baseline assessment. This baseline assessment will be administered at the start of the first quarter of the school year. Students in grade K-12 will have the opportunity to take the STAR 360 Math and Reading on Renaissance Learning to determine their strengths and deficits.
Academic Learning Gaps: The data from the baseline assessments will determine the academic learning gaps for each student. Since most of our students have missed weeks of face-to-face hands-on instruction, we anticipate larger- than-normal academic learning gaps. Especially among students in grades K-2, since these are foundational grade levels. However, our Teaching and Learning teams have worked diligently to develop effective instructional approaches, modified scope and sequence, and intervention strategies to address possible gaps in learning. Additionally, our teachers and campus administrators have been trained and are prepared to support our students in closing these academic learning gaps.
Scope and Sequence: GPISD is committed to ensuring our students are prepared for upcoming content requirements. The TEKS Resource Gap Plan will be utilized to help close possible gaps, all while staying on track to ensure that the required grade-level TEKS are taught and learned. Lessons with prerequisite skills (from the previous grade level) will be embedded into district elementary math and science calendars to ensure that instruction is appropriately aligned. It is imperative that students continue to have access to current grade- level instruction while closing all academic learning gaps.
Learning Plan
Grand Prairie ISD is committed to providing a successful experience for all students for the 2021-2022 school year. All lessons, assignments, activities, and assessments are created to ensure that students continue to learn at the same pace of the current Grand Prairie ISD scope and sequence, have access to the appropriate and aligned curriculum, and meet all social-emotional needs of the student. Through an intentional and well-developed curriculum, students will continue to engage in 21st century learning experiences. To ensure student success, frequent and clear communication among teachers, students, and parents is expected throughout the school year.
Additionally, GPISD is a Capturing Kids’ Hearts district and follows the philosophy that you don’t have the right to kids’ minds until you have captured their hearts. Thus, building relationships is an important component of student success in GPISD. This is achieved through authentic and continuous communication with students, parents, and staff of GPISD. Therefore, teacher, student, and parent interactions are vitally important to ensuring that instructional continuity is achieved.
Instructional Model
Our instructional model includes various forms of in-person learning, such as direct-teach, small-group learning, game-based learning tasks, choice boards that students complete on their own, pre-assigned activities, and formative assessments based on the district’s scope and sequence for students in grades PK-12. Daily interaction with on-grade-level curriculum is the expectation for students as assigned by their teachers. Students are expected to complete either daily assignments or exit tickets to inform teachers of their instructional practices and monitor the progress of students’ knowledge acquisition. The detailed expectations are outlined below for further review.
- Teachers will be highly qualified employees of GPISD.
- There will be daily instruction from the teacher, along with independent practice at home.
- The teacher will communicate daily learning expectations via GPISD’s learning management system (Canvas for secondary/Google Classroom for elementary).
- Students must complete activities assigned daily, five days per week.
- Daily progress will be verified by the teacher based on the degree to which the student meets the expectations of the learning plan that the teacher presents through an exit ticket or daily assignment submitted in Canvas (secondary) or Google Classroom (elementary).
- Elementary (per day): 120 minutes RLA/SLA, 90 minutes Math, 30 minutes Science, 30 minutes Social Studies, 30 minutes of Interventions, and 30 minutes Fine Arts/PE.
- Middle School (per day): Students attend each class for at least 50 minutes.
- High School (Block Schedule): Students attend each class for 90-minute periods.
- Teachers will provide feedback to students and use district grading guidelines on all assignments.
- Students will participate in district/state assessments to document learning and growth.
- Attendance and truancy rules apply to all students.
In-Person Learning Model
Grand Prairie ISD serves its students through in-person, face-to-face instruction. Each of our schools has a highly qualified instructional staff. In addition, each campus has a registered nurse on staff to provide research-based, high-quality medical care to students. Our learning model includes the following expectations:
- Students will attend school on a regular instructional schedule and will engage in face-to-face learning on campus all day, every day.
- Instruction will be provided by highly qualified Grand Prairie ISD teachers.
- Teachers will follow District curriculum, unit sequencing, and pacing of instruction aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.
- Teachers will monitor students and refer them to the nurse if symptoms are present.
- Desks or tables will be socially distanced as much as instructionally possible.
- Student movement may be staggered to limit the number of people in various areas during transitions.
- Alcohol-based hand sanitizer will be readily available, and thorough hand washing will be practiced.
Expectations for Pre-K through Grade 1
Instruction for Pre-K through 1st grade appropriately focuses on student progress on standards and continuation of learning based on the academic checklist. Students may receive instruction in the following ways (including, but not limited to):
- Authentic student work/assignments with timely and relevant feedback for continued progress in learning of the standard
- Hands-on activities
- Choice boards and playlists
- Google Classroom tasks and turning in of assignments
- Times for academic interventions with their teacher.
Expectations for Grades 2-5
Instruction for grades 2 through 5 appropriately focuses on student progress on standards and the continuation of learning. Students may receive instruction in the following ways (including, but not limited to):
- Authentic student work/assignments with timely and relevant feedback for continued progress in learning of the standard
- Hands-on activities
- Choice boards and playlists
- Google Classroom tasks and turning in of assignments
- Assessments
- Video lessons
- Project based learning/assignments
- Group/partner projects
- Google classroom assignments
Expectations for Grades 6-12
Instruction for grades 6 through 12 appropriately focuses on student progress on standards and the continuation of learning. Students may receive instruction in the following ways (including, but not limited to):
- Authentic student work/assignments with timely and relevant feedback for continued progress in learning of the standard
- Choice boards and playlists
- Instructional activities within Canvas
- Portfolio tasks and turning in of assignments
- Assessments
- Video lessons
- Project based learning/assignments
- Group/partner project
Expectations for Small-Group/Individualized Instruction Periods
Small-group/individualized instruction periods provide students with access to the teacher for assistance with independent practice.
- Use data from universal screeners and formative assessments to identify student gaps
- Based on the data, create targeted personalized instruction for students in small-group setting
- Provide academic feedback to students based on their work.
Course Offerings
- Core classes (RLA, Math, Science, Social Studies), Fine Arts (PE, Art, Music)
- Campuses have the autonomy to offer their unique/choice courses to their respective students.
- GT students will receive instruction from their GT specialists.
- Instructional support for Special Education, Section 504, and dyslexia services will be provided in accordance with the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Individual Accommodation Plan (IAP).
Schedule of Classes
Time management is critical to student success in the face-to-face, in-person instructional model. Both students and teachers must remain in communication regarding daily schedules and assignments. As with any traditional course, there is a risk of receiving a lower grade if a student falls behind. If your student is struggling with time management, then he or she should contact his or her teacher for additional assistance. Campuses will structure the instructional day to follow their campus bell schedule.
Elementary Daily Schedule Components
Reading Language Arts Block (120 minutes)
- 30 minutes Direct Instruction
- 15 minutes Word Study
- 15 minutes Mini-Lesson--Reading
- 45 minutes of Guided Reading/Stations (3 groups, 15 minutes per group)
- 15 minutes Mini-Lesson--Writing
- 30 minutes Guided/Independent Practice (reading and/or writing)
Math Block (80 – 90 minutes)
- 40 minutes Direct Instruction to include:
- 15 minutes Problem Solving
- 25 minutes Concept Development
- 40-45 minutes Small-Group Instruction/Stations
- 3 groups, 15 minutes per group
- Students engage in purposeful, targeted math stations and Imagine Math for personalized learning while the teacher instructs the other students.
Science Block (30-40 minutes)
- 10 minutes Visual Literacy
- 20-30 minutes Direct Instruction to include:
- Hands-on science demonstrations/investigations
- 80% hands-on in K-2 (4 days per week)
- 50%-60% hands-on in grades 3-5 (2-3 days per week)
Small-Group Instruction
Teachers will set periods throughout the day for students to contact teachers for support as needed in the completion of their assignments or for small-group intervention.
Bilingual/ESL Plan
The GPISD Bilingual/ESL department is supporting ELs by creating opportunities for teachers to collaborate via different technology platforms such as Google Classroom, shared drives with videos, lesson plans, and ideas for grades PK-12. Strategists are visiting with teachers during instruction and PLCs at various campuses and collaborating with content instructional staff to support sheltering the instruction for our students. In addition, strategists have created office hours for all teachers and for parents who have questions regarding instruction. In order to help our parents who speak a language other than English remain connected and engaged, all information related to instruction is translated.
GPISD Linguistic accommodations: Support
Linguistic supports for English Proficiency standards: Support
Special Education and Section 504
Grand Prairie ISD is committed to providing a high-quality education and academic experiences for students with disabilities. GPISD will ensure that students have access to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to the maximum extent possible, given the students’ individualized educational plan (IEP) or individual accommodation plan (IAP)/Section 504 plan.
General Guidance
- Students with disabilities will follow and be provided their IEP or IAP/Section 504 plan as outlined and agreed to by an ARD Committee or Section 504 Committee.
- Students with disabilities will follow the same health and safety guidance and protocols as their non-disabled peers with special consideration given to meet their unique needs.
- Parents and guardians of students or adult students who receive instructional and/or related services through an IEP or IAP/Section 504 Plan may request to convene an ARD Committee or Section 504 Committee meeting to discuss these services, as needed.
- ARD Committees should consider on a case-by-case basis needed services regarding COVID-related compensatory services due to delays in evaluation and IEP implementation in the areas of related services, supplementary aids and services, program modifications, support for personnel or a need for extended school year (ESY) services. ARD or Section 504 committee should:
- Document the discussion and decision in the deliberations, including:
- Start and end dates
- Frequency and duration
- Area of service
- Goal(s) the service(s) will address
- Provide prior written notice to parents following any offer of services
- Indicate whether the parents agree with the recommendation of COVID-related compensatory or ESY services
Provision of Special Education Instruction & Related Services
- Special education teachers will follow the general education guidance plans for each class.
- Special and general education teachers will collaborate to ensure that lessons are designed and differentiated to meet the needs of students with IEPs and IAPs.
- Related services and speech-language services will be provided in accordance with the student’s schedule of service outlined in the IEP or IAP.
- To the maximum extent possible, each student with a disability will be provided the special education and related services as developed in the student’s IEP.
- The student’s schedule of special education and related services or 504 accommodations will be accurately documented in the IEP or IAP/Section 504 Plan to reflect what supports and services the student requires for FAPE.
- Students with disabilities must have an instructional day commensurate with that of students without disabilities.
- All providers will monitor, document and review data on each student’s supplemental services and supports, accommodations, and IEP goals/objectives. Data collected will be used to determine the student’s progress in the general education curriculum.
Updated August 11, 2022
*Some protocols may be subject to change based on updated guidance from the state of Texas, public health authorities, or changing conditions in Dallas County and/or Tarrant County.
*Algunos protocolos pueden estar sujetos a cambios con base de recomendaciones actualizadas del estado de Texas, autoridades de salud pública, o condiciones cambiantes en el condado de Dallas y/o Tarrant.