Family Engagement Action Team

  • GPISD campuses that do not have an assigned Family Engagement Liaison are able to designate a professional staff member as their family engagement representative. These representatives in turn become part of the Family Engagement Action Team who receive support and guidance from the Family and Community Engagement Department.

    FEAT members not only support campus family engagement initiatives but assist the Director of Family and Community Engagement with dissemination of materials and information pertaining to the district family engagement program.

    What can FEAT Members do?

    FEAT members are valuable resources for schools because they know a great deal about your child’s school and community. They help support campus administration with meaningful parental involvement and engagement opportunities that enhance the learning ability of children, as well as strengthening the relationship between home and school.  FEAT members also assist in promoting events and resources that benefit the overall wellbeing of our families.

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2024-2025 FEAT Members

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