Attendance Rule for Credit

  • What Does The 90% Rule Mean For Grade Promotion?

    The Texas attendance rules say that a student must be in a class at least 90% of the time to receive credit for courses. For example, if there are 174 days in the school year, a student can only miss 17 days to remain eligible for advancing to the next grade level. The 90% rule applies to all absences (excluding those exempt by law), including excused absences. This rule applies even if the student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 plan. 

    The 90% Rule for Elementary Students 

    Elementary students who come to school after the attendance hour are marked absent for the entire day.  Regular and on-time attendance is important to ensure the 90% attendance rule is met. A student who has 18 or more absences this school year risks having to repeat the grade.

    The 90% Rule for Secondary Students 

    Middle school and High school students in GPISD have 7 class periods. Students must attend each class, at least 90% of the time to pass the class. Middle and high school students may have to repeat a class, even if they received a passing grade, if they did not attend that class at least 90% of the days of the class. Full-day attendance helps ensure eligibility for advancement.

    The 90% Rule and High School Credits 

    High school students earn 0.5 credits for each class, each semester. Students must attend each class 90% of the time, each semester, to receive credit.

    If a student misses more than 10% of a specific class, they will lose credit for that class.  This rule applies to each class, each semester the class is taken.

    For example, if there are 85 days in the 1st semester and 89 days in the 2nd semester,  a student can only miss 8 days of a single class in each semester to receive credit for that class.  Students will need to repeat the semester for each class falling below the 90% attendance rule. Both excused and unexcused absences affect eligibility for attendance credit. 

    High School Credits and Advancement

    High school students are promoted to the next grade level based on the number of credits earned.  For example, a student in the 9th grade needs 5.5 credits to be promoted to the 10th grade.  If the student only has 3 credits at the end of the school year, the student will remain in the 9th grade until 5.5 credits is earned.  

    Students without enough credits for promotion will remain in their current grade-level, regardless of age, until they earn the appropriate number of credits.  The way to earn credits is to attend and pass each class. The minimum number of credits assigned each grade level are as follows:

    • Freshman (Grade 9): Below 5.5 Credits
    • Sophomore (Grade 10): 5.5 Credits
    • Junior (Grade 11): 12 Credits
    • Senior (Grade 12): 19 Credits
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