- Grand Prairie Independent School District
- Pre-K for 4-year-olds
- Pre-K 4 Enrollment Process
Pre-K 4 Enrollment Process
Is your student currently enrolled in an Early Education Program in Grand Prairie ISD?
NO: Please see steps for new student registration.
YES: Please see steps for returning student registration.
All students new to Grand Prairie ISD will need to complete and submit New Student Online Enrollment for your attendance zone campus, even if you have applied to attend a different GPISD school. Campus enrollment cannot be finalized until all documentation has been received:
- Required Documents for Enrollment
- Required Documents for Free Eligibility (if applicable)
Complete New Student Online Enrollment
**Out Of District Students-The campus selected on the New Student Online Enrollment does not indicate placement at that campus; please continue to Step 2.
Step 2: Applying to a School of Choice Pre-K 4 ONLY OPTIONAL (Second Round Opening APRIL 22)
If you wish to apply to a different school than your attendance zone, including out of district, you will have to complete a Pre-K 4 Choice Programs Application. Please contact the campus you are interested in attending and they will provide you with a link to apply.
OPTION 1: Stay at their attendance zone campus (BEGINNING MAY 2)
All current GPISD Pre-K 3 students will receive a letter from the district with Home Zone Campus for 2024-2025. Students continuing at their attendance zone campus will need to complete the Returning Student Registration online beginning May 2nd, 2024 with updated enrollment/Pre-K eligibility documentation.
Complete Returning Student Registration
OPTION 2: Applying to a School of Choice Pre-K 4 ONLY OPTIONAL (Second Round Opening APRIL 22)
If you wish to apply to a different school than your attendance zone, including out of district, you will have to complete a Pre-K 4 Choice Programs Application. Please contact the campus you are interested in attending and they will provide you with a link to apply.
Required Enrollment Documents
During the enrollment process, you will need to upload all the required documents to successfully submit a registration. Campus Enrollment cannot be finalized until all documentation has been received. If you have any difficulties with the registration process, email registration@gpisd.org for assistance.
- Official birth certificate (any country)
- Child’s social security card
- Current proof of address (utility bill with address-water, gas, or electric)
- Parent/Guardian picture ID (any country)
- Up-to-date immunization record (As a state requirement ALL children are required to have this on file with the school before they may attend their first day of school.)
Required Free Eligibility Documents
- Documentation for Economically Disadvantaged
- Proof of income for all working members of the household-include most recent pay stubs (1 Month), unemployment payment, worker’s compensation, or disability payment, or signed statement of no income.
- Documentation of foster care
- Acceptable documents include CPS or court papers indicating conservatorship, foster placement, or adoption documents.
- Documentation of military service
- Photo identification for children of active-duty service members.
- A copy of Purple Heart orders or citation for children of service members
- A copy of the line of duty determination documentation of service members who were injured while serving active duty but were not wounded or injured in combat.
- Documentation of the Star of Texas Award
- The resolution (certificate) awarded to an individual. Past Honorees webpage.