Parent Resources

  • MS Wellness & Sexual Health Curriculum Overview

    During the fourth quarter each year Grand Prairie Independent School District teaches a unit on wellness and sexual health to all middle school students.  The Grand Prairie ISD Student Health Advisory Council has selected, and the Grand Prairie ISD School Board has approved, the Living WELL AwareTM Adolescent Health Program (formerly known as Scott & White Wellness & Sexual Health) for this purpose. The curriculum for this program will take approximately 10 class periods (45-50 minutes) to teach.

    The Living WELL AwareTM Adolescent Health Program is designed as an all-inclusive, data-driven curriculum founded on the medical, legal, psychological, and socioeconomic information regarding adolescent health risk behaviors. Based on the probable consequences of adolescent risk behavior, the safest and healthiest choice for teens is to refrain from risky behaviors by establishing healthy habits and relationships. Through interactive activities within well-structured lessons, students are provided with useful skills and up-to-date information enabling them to make healthy decisions in all respects of their lives.

    The scope and sequence for the Living WELL AwareTM Adolescent Health Program can be found at: Living WELL AwareTM Adolescent Health Program Scope and Sequence

    Parents/Guardians have the option to exclude their student from participating in this program. If a student is excluded from participating in this program he/she will not be allowed to remain in the classroom while the curriculum is being taught, and that he/she will receive alternative lessons deemed appropriate by the school. 

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