District of Innovation
Local Innovation Plan 2021-2026
View and download the Local Innovation Plan for 2021-2026
Proposed amendments to the DOI Plan for June 2024
House Bill 1842, passed during the 84th Legislative Session, provides the opportunity for Texas public school districts to pursue the designation of District of Innovation. This allows local school districts to obtain exemptions from certain provisions of the Texas Education Code to allow more flexibility and local control for innovative programming. On May 12, 2016, the Grand Prairie Independent School District passed a Resolution to initiate the process of designation as a District of Innovation in order to increase local control over District operations and to support innovation and local initiatives to improve educational outcomes for the benefit of students in the community.
On May 18, 2016, the GPISD School Board held a Public Hearing to allow the public to learn more about the designation and provide feedback. The School Board appointed a Local Innovation Committee comprised of community members appointed by the School Board Officers, parents, teacher leaders, and campus and district level administrators to prepare a Local Innovation Plan to address the needs of the District.
This Local Innovation Committee met to develop an initial draft of the Local Innovation Plan. The plan was posted online for public viewing and feedback on June 21, 2016, and remained online until July 20, 2016. The Local Innovation Committee met to consider feedback received and finalize the plan on July 20, 2016. The plan was presented to the GPISD Education Improvement Committee (EIC) and it was recommended by the committee that the plan be presented to the School Board for consideration. The Local Innovation Committee presented the plan to the School Board, and the Board adopted the plan on July 21, 2016.