Board Goals
Increasing academic student outcomes is the number one priority of all highly effective school boards.
National School Board Association [NSBA], 2015
School boards matter. Although, school board members do not DIRECTLY impact student outcomes by providing daily instruction in classrooms or leading a campus. According to research, their beliefs, philosophies, actions, and decisions do impact student outcomes and in Grand Prairie ISD, we are fortunate that we have a school board that has made some innovative decisions that have impacted our students and school district for years to come.
Here are some of the ways our school board has impacted our students
Opening a fine arts academy
Prioritizing early literacy in the superintendent’s evaluation
Seeing the need to open a STEM academy to explore math and science and its role in our world
Purchasing technology for our students
Opening an Early College High School, providing students access to obtain up to 60 hours of college credit for FREE!
GPISD Board Goals
Statute requires school boards to adopt detailed plans developed by their management teams that contain specific, quantifiable, goals in three areas: Early Literacy, Early Numeracy, and College Career and Military Readiness. Below are the approved GPISD board goals based on historical data and trends.
Goal #1: Early Childhood Literacy Proficiency
The percent of 3rd grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading will increase from 35% to 50% by June 2029.
Board Outcome Goal 1: Early Childhood Reading
Yearly Target Goals | |||||
Year | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 |
GPISD | 38% | 41% | 44% | 47% | 50% |
Goal #2: Early Childhood Mathematics Proficiency
The percent of 3rd grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Math will increase from 34% to 49% by June 2029.
Board Outcome Goal 2: Early Childhood Math
Proposed Yearly Target Goals for 2025 and Beyond |
Year | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 |
GPISD | 37% | 40% | 43% | 46% | 49% |
Goal #3: College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR)
The percentage of graduates that meet the CCMR criteria for A-F accountability will increase from 76% to 92% by August 2029.
Board Outcome Goal 3: College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR)
Proposed Yearly Target Goals |
Year | 2025 (class of 2024) |
2026 |
2027 (class of 2026) |
2028 (class of 2027) |
2029 (class of 2028) |
GPISD | 76% | 80% | 84% | 88% | 92% |
Plan Requirements
- 5-year goals with annual targets and targets for student groups identified in the closing the gaps domain.
- Each goal needs to contain a baseline, a future target, a population, and a deadline (month and year by when the current state will equal the future state).
- Progress Measures for each goal that can be updated multiple times each year creates local alignment and accountability with each plan.
- Annual goals for aggregate student growth on 3rd grade reading and math STAAR
- Annual goals for aggregate student growth on CCMR readiness indicators evaluated under the student achievement domain
- Post annual report on district and campus websites