Welcome to the Community Folder
As a service to Grand Prairie ISD students, parents, and community, the District provides the Community Folder for non-school groups or organizations to post information that may be of interest or a benefit to students and families. As a preferred method of communication, the District and our schools are sharing more and more information via the Internet. This method of communication is not only convenient to our parents and community, but also supports the District's ongoing efforts to be more green and save resources.
Information for the Community Folder is submitted to and approved by the Public Engagement Department. Postings can be for elementary students, secondary students, or both. On a periodic basis, we will remind students, parents, and community members to check the latest information posted.
The organizations and activities listed on this page are not related to or sponsored by the Grand Prairie Independent School District.
Resources and Additional Information
Guidelines for Approval of Flyer and Other Nonschool Printed Material
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The GPISD Public Engagement Department will be responsible for reviewing and approving flyers and printed materials from third parties, external non-school groups or organizations that provide a benefit to youth or parents who wish to distribute materials to students.
Eligible groups may include but are not limited to governmental entities, for-profit organizations and businesses, non-profit organizations, local youth sports leagues, scout groups, etc.
If at any time it is determined the flyers or written materials presented for approval contain false or misleading information or do not accurately represent the intent of the program and, therefore, do not meet the requirements as a group permitted to distribute to students, the approval of future flyers submitted by the requesting organization will be jeopardized. The method used to distribute the non-school material will be electronically through the Community Folder on the District’s website.
The Community Folder
The Community Folder is a feature of the District’s website where approved non-school materials for distribution to students will be electronically posted. This information can be for distribution to elementary school students, secondary students or both. Links to the Community Folder will be placed on campus websites and campuses will be encouraged to communicate to their students and parents to check the Community Folder for the latest information. The District will also regularly promote the Community Folder information.
Submission of Non-School Materials for the Community Folder
- A copy of the flyer/printed material and a Request for Flyer and Other Nonschool Printed Material Distribution Approval Form must be submitted to GPISD Public Engagement Department. Copies can be either emailed to community.folder@gpisd.org or faxed to 972-237-5436, Attn: Non-School Materials Request. The email account does not allow for responses to be sent. Please check the website for confirmation that your flyer has been posted.
- The flyer/printed material must not exceed an 11” x 14” printed area. If the material is submitted electronically, the attachment needs to be in a single file in PDF format and cannot exceed three megabytes (3Mb) in size. Up to four (4) pages will be accepted for posting. The front and back of a flyer is considered two (2) pages.
- The flyer/printed material must conform to the standards of the Limitations on Content for Flyer and Other Nonschool Printed Material available on the homepage of the Community Folder.
- The flyer/printed material must be of a quality that can be clearly and legibly electronically scanned for placement on the Grand Prairie ISD website. If the flyer/printed material cannot be clearly scanned, it will be rejected for the website distribution.
- All flyer/printed material MUST have the following disclaimer statement printed at the BOTTOM of the flyer/printed material in bold, capital letters.
This disclaimer should in a font of 12 pt. or larger in all languages represented on the flyer.
Limitations of Content for Flyer and Other Nonschool Printed Material
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Materials shall not be distributed if:
- The materials are obscene, vulgar, or otherwise inappropriate for the age and maturity of the audience.
- The materials endorse actions endangering the health or safety of students.
- The materials promote illegal use of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances.
- The materials advocate violation of school rules and fall within the standard described at LIMITATIONS ON EXPRESSION at FNAA (LEGAL) and FNAA (LOCAL).
- The materials advocate imminent lawless or disruptive action and are likely to incite or produce such action.
- The materials include hate literature that scurrilously attacks ethnic, religious, or racial groups, and similar publications aimed at creating hostility and violence if they fall within the standard described at LIMITATIONS ON EXPRESSION at FNAA (LEGAL) and FNAA (LOCAL).
- There is reasonable cause to believe that the distribution of the materials would result in material and substantial interference with any school educational, and/or curricular- related activity or blocks or impedes the safe flow of traffic within hallways, driveways, and entrances and exits of the school building and/or property.
The direct distribution of nonschool related materials to students is strictly prohibited.
Approved Flyers
British Swim School - Lessons for All Ages & Abilities
Audience: all ages -
Online After School Tutoring
Audience: elementary and middle school