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Planetarium Community Nights


Each month, we invite the community to our FREE Planetarium Community Nights at the John Carl Pogue Planetarium at South Grand Prairie High School.  One presentation will be in English and the other in Spanish and will begin promptly at 6:00.  Our plan is to view a short program before our main feature each time so that folks who are a bit delayed won’t miss out.

Planetarium Community Nights

Mexican Archeoastronomy - March 2025
Mexican Archeoastronomy

March 3, 6-7pm (English) - Mexican Archeoastronomy

  • Mexican Archeoastronomy. This feature illustrates the important role played by astronomical observation for the evolution of pre-Hispanic cultures in central Mexico. They used the calendrical and astronomical knowledge inherited by their predecessor cultures to found the capital of their empire: Tenochtitlan. Vibrant colors, shapes and sounds transport the viewer to one of the mo st important cultures in Mesoamerica.

March 5, 6-7pm (Spanish) - Arqueoastronomía mexicana

  • Este programa ilustra el importante papel que desempeñó la observación astronómica en la evolución de las culturas prehispánicas del centro de México. Ellos utilizaron los conocimientos calendáricos y astronómicos heredados de sus culturas predecesoras para fundar la capital de su imperio: Tenochtitlan. Los colores vibrantes, formas y sonidos transportan al espectador a una de las culturas más importantes de Mesoamérica.
Beyond the Sun - April 2025
Beyond the Sun

April 7, 6-7pm (English) - Beyond the Sun

April 9, 6-7pm (Spanish) - Más allá del Sol

The Hot and Energetic Universe - May 2025
The Hot and Energetic Universe

May 5, 6-7pm (English) - The Hot and Energetic Universe

  • The Hot and Energetic Universe - The planetarium documentary The Hot and Energetic Universe presents with the use of immersive visualizations and real images the achievements of the modern astronomy, the most advanced terrestrial and orbital observatories, the basic principles electromagnetic radiation and the natural phenomena related to the High Energy Astrophysics.

May 7, 6-7pm (Spanish) - El Universo Caliente y Energético

  • El documental planetario El Universo Caliente y Energético presenta a través de visualizaciones inmersivas e imágenes reales los logros de la astronomía moderna, los observatorios terrestres y orbitales más avanzados, los principios básicos de la radiación electromagnética y los fenómenos naturales relacionados con la Astrofísica de Altas Energías.