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Beyond The Bell After School Program

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Register now! or contact us at 972-237-5512

Beyond the Bell After School Program is designed to meet parents'  needs, as well as provide social, educational, and recreational opportunities for students. Serving 14 campuses in Grand Prairie ISD, serving Pre-K 4 - 6th grade students who can successfully function in a 1:17 teacher/student ratio. Our program is offered each school day from the ringing of the last bell until 6:30 p.m.

Highly trained child care professionals will lead students in a fun and learning-rich environment without leaving the campus. A daily afternoon snack, dedicated homework time, fun and fitness activities, S.T.E.M. activities and much more, it is a guaranteed great time!

Conveniently located on-site at your childs' school, we provide a safe and nurturing environment from school's last bell until 6:30 P.M.

  • Dedicated Homework Time
  • Fun & Fitness Activities
  • MindWorks Resources
  • YOU Matter Curriculum
  • Quaver SEL
  • Staff-to-student ratio of 1:17
  • All Site Supervisors certified in first aid & CPR

Applications are evaluated every Wednesday for students to start the following week. If an email is not received by Wednesday, this means that space has not become available. 

20 GPISD campuses
10,000 families served
1 community


Laurie Burks

Youth Programs Coordinator
Youth Programs, Beyond the Bell

Stephanie Johnson

Facilitator - Youth Programs
Youth Programs, Beyond the Bell

Diana Mendoza

Data Entry
Youth Programs, Beyond the Bell

Kristin Milligan

Facilitator - Youth Programs
Youth Programs, Beyond the Bell

Grace Ramirez

Data Entry
Youth Programs, Beyond the Bell

Michelle Rodriguez

Youth Programs
Youth Programs, Beyond the Bell