Foster Care Students
Currently, there are 16,000 school-aged children and youth in Texas schools who are in the foster care system. Most children and youth in foster care experienced chaotic home lives with parents/caregivers who were unable to meet their physical and emotional needs. The children face many challenges that greatly impact their educational success in the school environment. GPISD want to provide supports for students in foster care to have a great success and fulfillment on their educational journey.
Foster Children and Youth in GPISD
GPISD District Foster Care Liaison is here to provide supporting services for foster children and youth enrolled in GPISD to ensure and promote successful school transitions for students in DFPS Conservatorship. GPISD District Foster Care Liaison works collaboratively with campus social workers/counselors/staffs and other departments to ensure students access services:
- Free Pre K eligibility
- Transportation Assistance (School of Origin)
- Immediate School enrollment
- Transition assistance
- Nutrition Services
- Student Case Management
Documentation required for enrolling students who are in DFPS Conservatorship
- 2085 (2085E, 2085FC, 2082KO) or Court Order showing students who are in care and custody of DFPS and has been placed in care with the person (foster parents/relative/fictive kin etc) completing the enrollment
- Students in foster care must be enrolled in school immediately even if they lack of required documentations (immunization record, school records etc)
Foster Care Resources
- Foster Care and Student Success
- TEA Foster Care
- LEA Foster Care Liaisons
- Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
- DFPS Transitional Living Handout
- DFPS Educational Specialist
- Department of Education Foster Care Transition Tool Kit
- Food, Clothes, Uniforms, School Supplies Resources
- Transition Resource Center
- Transitioning out of Foster Care & Post-Secondary Education Opportunities
- Higher Education Resources and Information
- TEA Foster Care and Student Success
Foster Family Resources
- Child Welfare Information Gateway
Community Resources for Foster Youth
- Rights of Children and Youth in Foster Care
- Foster Youth Club
- THRU-Project
- Housing Option for youth adults-Supervised Independent Living (SIL)
- Medical and Mental Health Services in Texas
- Foster Care Ombudsman
- Texas Independent Living Program
- Texas Education and Training Voucher (ETV)
- Texas Tuition Waiver
- Transition Resource Action Center (TRAC)
For assistance or questions, please contact Vivian Phan, GPISD District Foster Care Liaison:
- 972-522-3124