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Family and Community Engagement


To educate, empower, and build authentic, collaborative relationships with families and communities to support the holistic development and success of every GPISD student.


Our vision is to foster an inclusive, collaborative, and supportive environment that empowers families and community members to play an active role in the educational journey and lifelong success of all students.


  • To encourage parents to actively participate in the creating and implementing of educational programs for their children
  • To strengthen the relationship between school staff, parents, students and the local community
  • To assist with all communication efforts directed at English and non-English speaking parents
  • To address barriers keeping parents from being involved in their child's education
  • To encourage collaboration among parties that serve children and families, where the results promote educational excellence in achievement for all Title I students in the Grand Prairie Independent School District

Nuestro Propósito es

  • Alentar a los padres a participar activamente en la creación e implementación de programas educativos para sus hijos  
  • Fortalecer la relación entre el personal de la escuela, padres, alumnos y la comunidad local 
  • Ayudar con los esfuerzos de comunicación dirigidos a los padres angloparlantes y también a los que no hablan inglés
  • Afrontar las barreras que impide a los padres participar en la educación de sus hijos 
  • Fomentar la colaboración entre las partes que sirven a niños y familias, donde los resultados promuevan excelencia educativa de logro de todos los estudiantes de Título I en el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Grand Prairie.

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Department Leadership

Maria Herrera

Director of Community and Family Engagement


Arletheia Clemmons

Family Engagement Liaison, Jackson Middle School

Elizabeth Cordero

Family Engagement Liaison, Rayburn ES & Jackson Middle School

Veronica Delfin melendrez

Family Engagement Liaison, DATA @ Adams Middle School & Garcia ES

Blanca Garcia

Family Engagement Liaison, Arnold MS

Maria Gonzalez vazquez

Family Engagement Liaison, Travis World Language Academy

Rosa Hernandez

Family Engagement Liaison, Delmas Morton ES

Maria Herrera

Director of Community and Family Engagement

Erika Macias-Gomez

Family Engagement Liaison, Bush ES & Truman MS

Sandy Martinez

Family Engagement Liaison

Ruth Minotti

Early Education Family Engagament Specialist, Grand Family Service Center

Rosalba Munoz

Family Engagement Liaison, Daniels ES & Seguin ES

Lionel Padilla

Family Engagement Liaison, Grand Prairie High School

Corina Padron

Family Engagement Liaison, Ellen Ochoa ES

Maribel Ramos

Family Engagement Liaison, Williams ES

Margarita Salas

Early Education Family Engagement Specialist, Dickinson Montessori & Florence Hill ES

Diana Vazquez

Family Engagement Liaison, Eisenhower ES

Raquel Zavala

Family Engagement Liaison, Bowie ES