The District shall follow nutrition guidelines that advance student health and reduce childhood obesity and shall promote the general wellness of all students through nutrition education, physical activity, and other school-based activities.
The District shall develop nutritional guidelines and wellness goals in consultation with the local school health advisory council and with involvement from representatives of the student body, school food service, school administration, the board, parents, and the public.
Meet all requirements set forth in the Healthy-Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010. In addition to legal requirements, the District shall:
• Teachers will be provided with education and guidelines on the use of food as a reward in the classroom;
• The District will ensure that the nutrition programs meet Healthy-Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010.
• The Child Nutrition department will analyze school menus based on USDA approved software
• The staff responsible for nutrition will be adequately prepared and will participate in professional development activities to effectively deliver the designed program.
• Food service staff will be trained in the appropriate substation of foods in order to meet nutritional goals of the program.
• The District will follow Smart Snacks guidelines for a la carte, vending, and other foods available on school campuses.
• The Child Nutrition Department will solicit ongoing input from an at-large advisory committee regarding the selection and presentation of foods in the campus cafeterias.
• Discourage students from sharing their food or beverages with one another during meals or snack times due to concerns about allergies and other dietary restrictions.
The District shall implement, in accordance with law, a coordinated health program with a nutrition education component and shall use health course curriculum that emphasizes the importance of proper nutrition.
In addition, the District establishes the following goals for nutrition education:
• Students will receive nutrition education that fosters the adoption and maintenance of healthy eating behaviors.
• Nutrition education will be taught in health and integrated into other areas of the curriculum, as appropriate.
• Staff responsible for nutrition education will be adequately prepared and will participate in professional development activities to effectively deliver the program as planned.
• Educational nutrition information will be shared with families and the general public to positively influence the health of students and community members.
• The food service staff, teachers, and other school personnel will promote nutritional messages throughout the school environment to encourage student understanding of good nutrition and its relation to wellness.
• Staff Development will be provided to District employees in nutrition and wellness to support employee wellness efforts.
The District shall implement, in accordance with law, a coordinated health program with physical education and physical activity components and shall offer at least the required amount of physical activity for all grades.
In addition, the District establishes the following goals for physical activity:
• Physical Activity shall not be withheld as a form of discipline.
• That there is a ‘recess’ period before lunch.
• All PE classes should have small class sizes.
• Additional PE equipment for the secondary level.
• That exercise before testing is looked at as a pilot program.
• The District shall provide appropriate playground equipment for PPCD classes.
The District establishes the following goals to create an environment conducive to healthful eating and physical activity and to express a consistent wellness message through other school-based activities:
• Sufficient time will be allowed for students to eat meals in lunchroom facilities that are clean, safe, and comfortable.
• Wellness for students and their families will be promoted at suitable school activities.
• Employee wellness education and involvement will be promoted at suitable school activities.
The Superintendent shall oversee the district level implementation of this policy and shall oversee the development of administrative procedures for periodically measuring the implementation of the wellness policy. Campus level administration will oversee the campus implementation and evaluation of the campus wellness plans. Ongoing recommendations from the District SHAC team will be provided to District and Campus Improvement Teams for consideration in campus and district improvement plans.