Welcome to our redesigned website!
Mission Statement
- Comply with state laws, the Texas Education Code, the Board of Education policies, division procedures and sound business practices.
- To provide quality products and services that meet the specifications requested to all Grand Prairie Independent School District departments.
- To obtain the most competitive price for the products and services purchased utilizing procurement techniques that stimulate vendor competition.
Compliance with the standards of the Texas Education Agency, Texas State Attorney General's Office, and local policy are paramount in regard to competitive bidding. In an attempt to increase participation in the bid process, GPISD publishes all requests for bids and requests for proposals on this site. We encourage vendors to visit our webpage in the Current Bids, RFP's, Quotes area to find the appropriate bid packet for their service and/or product to submit in the Ionwave e-Bid system.
For any questions or comments, please contact the Purchasing department at 972-237-5515 or email: debbie.torres@gpisd.org
Brooke Alexander
Purchasing Coordinator
Business Operations, Purchasing
Jim Colbath
Assistant Director of Purchasing
Business Operations, Purchasing
Debbie Torres
Director of Purchasing
Business Operations, Purchasing