School Leadership
Complaints and Grievances
We encourage parents and students who have complaints or grievances to work with their campus principal to reach an informal solution before initiating the formal grievance process. It is important to keep in mind that even though an informal agreement to resolve the problem is desirable, it will not change the deadlines that guide the formal process.
To initiate a formal FNG(LOCAL) Level I grievance, complete this form.
Mission Statement
The mission of the School Leadership Department is to promote the academic achievement of all GPISD students and to provide a learning community that challenges ALL students to realize their greatest potential.
Know the learner and the learning. Expect excellence from both.
The School Leadership department provides leadership and support by assisting schools in increasing student achievement while measuring student performance against state and national standards. Our department works closely with the Department of Assessment & Research to maximize educational decision-making and student outcomes through strategic data use and collaboration. We also work with parents/guardians to build confidence by facilitating dialogue and engagement with the schools to foster the development and acceleration of their child's emotional, social, and academic growth.
Susanna Ramirez
Associate Superintendent of Early Education and Family Engagement
- Dickinson Montessori Academy
- Florence Hill
- Garcia Elementary
- Morton Elementary
- Fannin Middle School
Alisha Crumley
Area Chief of School Leadership
- Bowie Fine Arts Academy
- Barbara Bush Global Leadership Academy
- Daniels Academy of Science & Math
- De Zavala Environment Science Academy
- Eisenhower Elementary
- Garner Fine Arts Academy
- Marshall Leadership Academy
- Ochoa STEM at Milam Elementary
- Powell Elementary
- Rayburn STEAM Academy
- Williams Elementary
Siomara Saenz-Phillips
Area Chief of School Leadership
- Austin Environmental Science Academy
- Moore College and Career Preparatory
- Moseley Elementary
- Seguin Elementary
- Whitt Fine Arts Academy
- Travis Middle School
- DATA at Adams Middle School
- Reagan Middle School
- Truman Middle School
- Dubiski Career High School
Dr. Suzy Meyer
Area Chief of School Leadership
- School for the Highly Gifted
- Arnold Middle School
- Jackson Middle School
- Grand Prairie Collegiate Institute
- Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy
- Crosswinds Accelerated High School
- Grand Prairie High School
- South Grand Prairie High School
Letycia Fowler
Director of Student Support Services
- Johnson Disciplinary Alternative Education Program