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Student Information Services (PEIMS)

GPISD PEIMS Nationally Recognized

GPISD’s own Student Information Services (PEIMS) Department is the cover story in the Spring 2021 edition of AdvancingK12, a digital and print magazine.  Director Bill Young and his staff were interviewed about the need for transitioning registration practices due to COVID19. The article points to the district’s readiness for virtual registration because GPISD has been registering families online for several years.  We are so proud that GPISD’s innovative PEIMS Department is getting national recognition for their preparedness and customer service

Read the article here.

Student Information Services (PEIMS)

Division of Technology & Information Services

PEIMS is the abbreviation for the Public Education Information Management System. It is a data collection system for gathering student, staff, financial, and organization data from school districts and education service centers.

All Texas School districts are required to adopt and maintain a student accounting system, which includes procedures that will ensure the accurate collecting, recording and reporting of all student accounting data. This data is reported to the Texas Education Agency via the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS). State law mandates participation in PEIMS.

Our Mission

To manage and maintain the district's Student Information System and PEIMS while creating collaborative partnerships with all campuses and departments, through providing real-time information, knowledge, and resources to support student success. We believe that maintaining a high level of data integrity is vital to support the goals of our students, staff, and district.

Our Goals

  • To provide timely data analysis to district and campus personnel for the purpose of enhancing and improving student programs, financial accountability, and personnel information.
  • To build organizational capacity by offering superior customer service and support to all campus and district staff as well as community stakeholders. 
  • To maintain the highest quality data collection and submission for all PEIMS and TSDS core collections.
  • To establish streamlined data processes by integrating data collection procedures.
  • To educate department, program and campus staff on state standards to assure data accuracy for each submission to TEA.
  • To maintain an open line of communication to provide the best support to our district and campus staff.

Our Action Plan

  • Utilizing third party software for data disaggregation and establish network file share for quick delivery of TSDS reports
  • Utilizing the student support helpline and the Zendesk work order system which allows timely customer support and problem-solving methods
  • Implementation of a timeline for both district and campus personnel to ensure correct data is efficiently and effectively reported and deadlines are met for every submission
  • Training of personnel responsible for data accuracy and for understanding is ongoing and incorporates any changes to reporting

Support Desk (PEIMS)



Felicia Malone

PEIMS and Data Quality
Technology, PEIMS