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Gifted and Talented Program

Our Mission

Grand Prairie ISD Advanced Academics Program is committed to ensuring that our highest ability learners are challenged to meet their potential by providing appropriate curriculum and equitable learning opportunities that meet their social and emotional needs, interests, and areas of strength, regardless of ethnicity, gender, religious, age, sexual orientation, class, and disability disparities.

Gifted Program Referrals

Referrals for GT Services is accepted from August-April with ongoing testing during that time. Contact your campus GT Specialists for more information.

GPISD Gifted and Talented Program Goals

  • Implement ongoing identification and assessment processes in grades K-12 using multiple data and specific criteria to ensure equitable, tiered services for advanced learners
  • Provide differentiation and appropriate learning experiences by cultivating a growth mindset and grit  
  • Promote divergent thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Build students’ self-awareness and executive functioning skills
  • Provide ongoing training opportunities for parents, teachers, and staff members involved in meeting the needs of gifted and advanced learners

How Does GPISD Prepare Students for Advanced Courses?

Elementary School

  • Gifted & Talented Pull-Out
  • Differentiated Curriculum

Middle School

  • GT/Advanced
  • Advanced Placement Classes

High School

  • GT/Advanced
  • Advanced Placement
  • Dual Credit
  • on Ramps

Hear From a GT Student

GT testimonial picture

The Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented defines a "gifted and talented" student as a child/youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience or environment and who exhibits high-performance capability in an intellectual, creative or artistic area, possesses an unusual capacity for leadership, and/or excels in a specific academic field. However, I define a "gifted and talented" student as an inquisitive, unique, and capable student whose thirst for knowledge goes beyond the classroom walls.

Being a GT student honestly means the world to me. It has allowed me to not only go above and beyond in my academics, but I've also been able to forge strong relationships with other GT students and gain a deeper level of self-confidence. On my wall in my room is a bright red piece of paper I received from my GT teacher, a mantra of self-love and self-assurance printed in bold on it. I've look at that piece of paper an immeasurable amount of times now, filled with pride of the person I have become.

Frequently Asked Questions