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English Language Arts - Secondary

Mission Statement

The mission of the Grand Prairie ISD English Language Arts Program is to inspire students to become literate and productive critical thinkers, readers, and writers and to empower educators with effective resources to make literacy accessible to all students.

2024-2025 Secondary English Language Arts Suggested Summer Reading

Reading expands your world!

Students are more likely to experience success in ELA class when they maintain their reading skills during the summer. 

For this reason, GPISD has put together a suggested Summer Reading book list for students to choose from. We recommend all students should set a reading goal for the summer.

We suggest that students strive to:

  1. Read every day
  2. Choose books that they find interesting
  3. Talk about the books they read

Choose something you want to read. The titles on these lists encompass a variety of content, so it is the responsibility of the student and parent to make an appropriate selection.

To help pick your books, you can:

  • read reviews and a synopsis at
  • read reviews by parents and students at
  • do a web search for the Scholastic summary

Not every website will have every title listed, so ask family, friends, neighbors, or teachers for their recommendations. Locate books through SORA or at your Grand Prairie Public Library.

Click here for the Suggested Summer Reading Titles

Click here for the 2024-2025 Advanced Academics Parent Letter

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