Social Studies

  • Our mission:

    The Social Studies Team at Crosswinds Accelerated High School is committed to developing critical thinkers and responsible citizens who are prepared with the education, skills, and attitudes, they need to be successful and happy in our ever-changing country and global society. 

    To accomplish this mission, teachers will:

    • Provide a safe, effective learning environment for everyone
    • Strengthen student connectedness with meaningful, productive relationships
    • Improve student performance and outcomes- we want students to be ready for life, be it college, career, or military, and beyond
    • Create life-long learners and foster a curiosity and love for Social Studies
    • Prepare students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills they will need in life
    • Create socially, politically, fiscally, and environmentally informed citizens and contributors to society

    Resource links:

    Government & Economics Resources -

    World History & Sociology Resources -

    Psychology Resources -

    Other helpful links: 

    Courses we offer: 

    World Geography Studies

    In this course, students examine people, places, and environments at local, regional, national, and international scales. Students describe the influence of geography on events of the past and present. A significant portion of the course centers on the physical processes that shape patterns in the physical environment; the characteristics of major land forms, climate, and ecosystems and their interrelationships; the political, economic, and social processes that shape cultural patterns of regions; types and patterns of settlement; the distribution and movement of world population; relationships among people, places, and environments; and the concept of region.

    World Geography A Syllabi


    World History Studies

    World History offers an overview of the entire history of humankind. The major emphasis is on the study of significant people, events, and issues from the earliest times to the present. This course is designed to provide students with a vital understanding of the past in order to help them understand their own times. Attention is given to growth of ideas, the arts, religion, education, literature, and other aspects of intellectual and social history, as well as political, geographic, and economic history of world cultures. Students use the process of historical inquiry to research, interpret, and use multiple sources of evidence.

    World History Syllabi


    United States History Studies Since 1877

    In this course, the second part of a two-year study of U.S. history that begins in Grade 8, students study the history of the United States from Reconstruction to the present through the use of reading, research, writing, and interpretation of maps, charts, graphs, and tables. Historical content focuses on political, economic, military, diplomatic, and social events and issues, including the contributions of significant groups and individuals to the history of this country, and the impact of geographic factors on major events. An important part of the content is the development and application of the principles of citizenship. Students will use critical thinking skills to explain and apply methods of interpreting the past, including points of view and historical context. They will use a variety of rich primary and secondary source material, such as biographies and autobiographies, Supreme Court cases, novels, speeches, letters, diaries, poetry, songs, artworks, photographs, documentaries, and films.

    United States History Syllabi


    United States Government

    This course focuses on the principles and beliefs upon which the United States was founded and on the structure, functions, and powers of government at the national, state, and local levels. Students learn major political ideas and forms of government in history. A significant focus of the course is on the U.S. Constitution, its underlying principles and ideas, and the form of government it created. Students analyze major concepts of republicanism, federalism, checks and balances, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, and individual rights, and they compare the U.S. system of government with other political systems.

    Government Syllabi



    This course is a comprehensive study of the American free enterprise economy. It includes the study of basic concepts of economics, the market system, the American business system, labor unions, money and banking, business cycles, consumer skills, the role of government in free enterprise, and comparative economic systems. Emphasis is placed upon economic decision-making and personal development strategies.

    Economics Syllabi