Student Success

  • As our partner in your child’s education, we invite you to join us in making learning a priority. These are some ways that you can help:

    1.    Get your child to school on time. 
    Our day begins at 8:10 AM. Your child must be in the classroom at that time to not be counted tardy. Traffic is always heavy in the morning, so please leave home in time to allow for this.

    2.    Make sure that your child does his/her homework. 
    Homework is assigned for a variety of reasons, primarily to reinforce skills previously taught at school. It is not busy work, but a valuable tool to build and maintain your child’s mental muscles.

    3.    Check your child’s folder or agenda every evening.
    These are the tools that your teachers use to keep you informed and that you can use to communicate with your child’s teachers.

    4.    Set aside time to read with or to your child each evening.
    You are a wonderful role model for reading! Reading is also a skill for learning about and mastering all other subjects. As with any other skill, the more it is practiced, the better it gets.

    5.      Practice those math facts! 
    The more automatic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division become, the more time your child will have to focus on problem solving involving these skills.