Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD)

  • Levels of Support and Service Delivery
    Within PPCD, a continuum of services is offered relative to the level of support the student needs to be successful in the least restrictive environment (LRE). The level of support necessary is based on individual student needs, considering evaluation data, present levels of academic and functional performance information, response to intervention data, classroom performance information, and the Individual Education Plan (IEP) team discussion. Various levels of support are offered.

    Co-teach kindergarten (5 year olds)
    The co-teach kindergarten class is designed for students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and without IEPs. Seats are limited. Students with IEPs will be placed in the co-teach kindergarten class via ARD Committee decision with the input of the PPCD Program Facilitator. The coteach kindergarten class is a developmentally appropriate kindergarten program based upon grade level Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) with active learning through language activities, word walls, big books, poems, calendar activities, math manipulatives, learning centers, and more.

    Blended pre-kindergarten (4 year olds)
    The blended pre-kindergarten classes are designed for students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and students without IEPs. Seats are limited within the two district blended programs. Students with IEPs will be placed in blended programs via ARD Committee decision with the input of the PPCD Program Facilitator. Blended pre-kindergarten classrooms for students without an IEP are fee-based and/or based upon pre-K state qualification criteria.

    The program focuses on providing a rigorous environment that helps to address the developmental needs, social needs and academic content needed to ensure that our students acquire the readiness skills essential for them to be successful. Educational objectives are based upon the Pre-Kindergarten Guidelines developed by the Texas Education Agency in Language and Early Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Fine Arts, Physical Development, Health and Safety, Social Development and Technology Applications.

    PPCD (3&4 year olds)
    Self-contained PPCD instructional settings are designed for students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs). The need for a PPCD self-contained instructional placement is based upon assessment, eligibility, and the student’s IEP. While the curriculum in the PPCD self contained settings is aligned with state pre-kindergarten guidelines, it is significantly modified based on student need as indicated in his/her IEP. Development of students’ functional, adaptive communication, motor, and social skills is also addressed in self-contained PPCD instructional settings. Students are provided opportunities for inclusion with nondisabled peers in developmentally appropriate activities, as determined by the ARD Committee and outlined in the student’s IEP.

    PPCD SMF (3-5 year olds)
    The Severe/Medically Fragile instructional setting is a specialized PPCD classroom designed to address the medical and safety concerns of students who are identified as severe and medically fragile while providing a rigorous environment that helps to address the developmental and social needs of students.

    PICS (3&4 year olds)
    The Pre-school Program for Improving Communication Skills (PICS) class is designed for children who are developmentally delayed in speech and language skills only. Classes are available for children ages 3-5. The classes meet two times weekly for 2 ½ hours. A Licensed Speech Language Pathologist and a licensed assistant in Speech Language Pathology implement the program. The program emphasizes improved phonological skills, early literacy and language development. Placement is based on assessment eligibility and the students IEP.

    Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities Brochure - English (PDF)
    Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities Brochure - Spanish (PDF)

Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities (PPCD)

  • Our Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities provides special education and related services for eligible children with disabilities between the ages of three through five years old in a self-contained classroom. Students are provided with developmentally appropriate lessons with each child's individualized goals in mind. Helping young children learn and grow is my passion! 
     "Creating better stewards of our Earth, one student at a time."
    PPCD Schedule
    Conference and Lunch:  11:10AM -12:10PM  
    PPCD Teacher:  Sonja Windham
    PPCD Aides: Maria Padilla, Alejandra Ramirez