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Dress Code

Students MUST be in dress code when they arrive at Johnson DAEP. If they come to school out of dress code, they will need to contact a parent to bring the appropriate clothing or they will be sent home to change clothes. If a student misses a day of school due to dress code, it will be considered an UNEXCUSED absence.

The dress code at Johnson is as follows:

  • Black, Navy or white collared shirt (polo shirt or buttoned shirt)
  • Dress slacks with belt loops - black, navy blue, or khaki (no jeans & no slacks with rivets)
  • Belt - solid black, brown, tan, or white
  • Athletic/tennis shoes (only) and socks - solid white, brown, tan, or black
  • Undershirts - only plain white or light gray ( either short or long sleeved)
  • Student ID from home campus on a lanyard (replacement IDs cost $5.00)


  • Shorts, Capri's, leggings, cargo pants, windbreaker pants, skinny pants, sweatpants, joggers, or jeans (ANY KIND OR COLOR OF JEANS)
  • Hoodies instead of collared shirts
  • Sagging pants or oversized clothing
  • Dress shoes, Sperrys, boots, sandals, high heels, sliders, or open-toed shoes
  • Belts with studs or inappropriate designs
  • Undergarments that are visible through the clothing
  • Jewelry, including watches, necklaces, tongue rings, and all types of earrings. If jewelry is brought to school, it will be taken up at the door and returned to the student at the end of the placement, or it will be returned to the parent.
  • Blue or red clothing, including socks, shoes, and shoelaces. No clothing may have a red or blue marking on it of any kind, including the logo or label.
  • Removable teeth grills, or disruptive make-up or hairstyles, including but not limited to razor cuts, unnaturally dyed, colored, or painted hair, or any hairstyle or design that might infer gang affiliation.
  • All student's fingernails must be kept clipped short

ALL TATTOOS AND HICKEYS MUST BE COVERED WHILE THE STUDENT ATTENDS JOHNSON DAEP. If they are uncovered, the student will be out of dress code and must contact a parent.

Students ARE NOT ALLOWED to have backpacks, purses, or cell phones.

The principal reserves the right to establish additional rules during the school year as needed. Any guestion or issue regarding the dress code will be referred to the principal for resolution.