Elementary Schools
Austin Elementary - Taneshra Dixon
Bowie Fine Arts Academy - Crystal Carter
Colin Powell Elementary - Dawn Rivell
David Daniels Academy of Science and Math - Beatriz Quintanar
De Zavala Environmental Science Academy - Stephanie Sanders
Dickinson Montessori Academy - Angelique Gaona
Eisenhower Elementary - Megan Hernandez
Ellen Ochoa STEAM Academy - Tamara Hunter
Florence Hill Elementary - Whitney Lorio
Garcia Elementary - Estefania Gomez
Garner Fine Arts Academy - Karlas Avalos
Global Leadership Academy at Barbara Bush Elementary - Lauren Wirth
Marshall Leadership Academy - Taelor Harris
Morton Elementary - Meoshee Noland
Moseley Elementary - Grace George
Rayburn Elementary STEAM Academy - Yesenia Dios
Seguin Elementary - Ana Estrada
Whitt Fine Arts Academy - Amelia Cardenas
Williams Elementary - Flor Portillo
Elementary/Middle Schools
Moore College and Career Preparatory - Annie Scott
School for the Highly Gifted - Candis Jones
Travis World Language Academy - Andres Alvarado
Middle Schools
Arnold Middle School - Katina Johnson
DATA @ Adams Middle School - Jernard Griggs
Fannin Middle School - Junell Pirtle
Jackson Middle School - Jacqueline Peel
Reagan Middle School - Erica Roebuck
Truman Middle School - Lissa Hilbert
Middle/High Schools
GPFAA - Ever Vazquez
Grand Prairie Collegiate Institute - Debra Sala
High School
Crosswinds Accelerated High School - Barry Foster
Dubiski Career High School - Deedie Jones
Grand Prairie High School - Jimmy Dixon
South Grand Prairie High School - Scott Christensen
Johnson DAEP - Ana Jiménez-Ayabarreno