Point System
Once a student is assigned to Johnson DAEP, they are given a point goal that they will need to reach in order to earn their release, based on the amount of days that they are assigned and their offense.
- 10 days = 3,100 points
- 15 days = 4,650 points
- 20 days = 6,200 points
- 30 days = 9,300 points
- 45 days = 13,950 points
- 60 days = 18,600 points
Bonus Points
- 50 points - each perfect morning
- 50 points - each perfect afternoon
Point Recovery
- Loss of 25+ points: 30-minute Point Recovery
- stay with 1st period teacher until 3: 15
Points are earned through appropriate behavior and work during their classes, and through additional activities that they can participate in or perform. Here is a briefoverview of how the points work:
Each class period, a student with appropriate behavior and focused classwork earns 30 points. Misbehavior or lack of work results in point deductions ranging from 2 to 10 points per offense. If they earn 30 points per class period they will be awarded the bonus points mentioned above. The 100 point bonus for a perfect day can reduce the number of days for a student to reach their release point goal.
Why are you taking points off?
Here is the list of demerit codes from the AEP point sheets, what they mean, and how points will be deducted for each offense.
Code A - Dress code violation - 15 points
- Not wearing your ID on your neck
- Not having your shirt tucked in properly
- Jewelry
- Sagging pants
Code B - Disrespectful - range from 2 points to 5 points (per event)
- Name calling
- Improper behavior/action
Code C - Interrupting Class - range from 2 points to 5 points (per event)
- Drawing unnecessary attention to yourself
- Noises, comments, or actions that cause class discussion or activity to get "offtrack"
Code D - Not following directions - range from 2 points to 5 points (per event)
- Failure or refusal to do what you have been asked or told to do
- Doing as instructed, but not within an appropriate amount of time
Code E - Not having materials - range from 2 to 10 points (per item not brought to class)
- No paper
- No pencil
- Any other material as required by the teacher
Code F - Profanity- 50 points (per event)
- Cuss words
- Racial slurs
- Inappropriate language, gestures or graphics
Code G - Inattention in class - 5 points (per time period)
- Putting your head down (on the table, on your arms)
- Not maintaining appropriate eye contact with the teacher or class focus
Code H - Unapproved matter in mouth - range from 2 to 5 points (per event)
- Anything not permanently attached (teeth, tongue, braces)
- Examples include, but are NOT limited to: gum, paper, candy, jewelry
Code I - No work - 5 points (per time period)
- Not completing assigned work in a timely manner
- Not staying focused on task
Code J - Other - range from 2 points to 10 points (per time period)
- Any other inappropriate behavior that the teacher or administrators feel needs to be addressed