- Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy
- Audition Information
Audition Information
GPFAA Dance takes a holistic approach to selecting new students. We celebrate differences and believe each student can bring value to the program. We understand that a candidate may be stronger in one style of dance than another. Work ethic, positive attitude, authenticity, and willingness to try new things can possibly outweigh the technical level of the dancer, especially at the middle school level.
For our audition process each dancer will be required to provide the following: Artistic Solo, Headshot, Resume and attend an In-person Masterclass. Please read over specific guidelines for each item required.
Artistic Solo
Artistic Solo
Dance applicants are required to submit a 60-second solo, in any style, showcasing their best technical and artistic abilities. They should wear form-fitting dance attire with hair pulled back and proper footwear (or barefoot). If you are performing a hip-hop or cultural dance form, you may wear the appropriate style of clothing.
The video should not be edited in any way and music should be audible.
When recording, make sure your full body can be seen in the frame at all times. Once you are satisfied with your recording, you may upload the video to YouTube under “unlisted” or upload the video directly in the Google form below. Make sure the video is titled your name and GPFAA Audition Solo. For example, if your name is Johnny Appleseed then the video should be titled Johnny Appleseed_GPFAA Audition Solo.
Please refer to the solo submission link below for submitting your solo.
Solo Submission Google Form Link
Deadline to electronically submit Solo Video:
In District Auditions Video submission due Monday, November 4th
Out of District Auditions Video submission due Monday, March 31st
*If you are in district and can’t attend Monday Nov 4th, then feel free to reach out and inquire about auditioning for out of district auditions*
Master Class/Audition:
In District - Saturday, November 9th
Out of District - Saturday, April 5th
The headshot does not need to be professionally photographed. The image should be from the chest up and only include the applicant. Please print your First and Last Name on the back of the headshot.
The resume should be no more than one page in length and include the following information:
1. Header (name, address, email and phone number)
2. Education
3. Dance Training (including summer programs)
4. Awards/Scholarships (if any)
5. Other (volunteering, leadership initiatives, clubs joined, etc.)
Master Class
Master Class
Dance applicants will participate in an in-person master class during the audition date. Please feel free to arrive early to begin warming up. After the dance portion, some applicants may be asked to stay for a brief interview. This request is NOT a reflection or indicator of our decision.
Audition Dates
Saturday, November 9th
Saturday, April 5th
Audition Times
Check In (ALL dance applicants) 9am and 9:20am.
*Even if dance is your second choice, please check in between 9am and 9:20am*
Audition Time Slot 1: 9:30am
Audition Time Slot 2: 10:45am
You will be given a time slot during check-in. Those given time slot 1 will audition at 9:30am. If you are given time slot 2, then you will go to your other audition and come back for the 10:45am time slot. If dance is your only choice, then you will stay and audition at 9:30am.
Dance Audition Attire:
Dance candidates are required to wear form-fitting dance attire when auditioning. This includes leggings, a leotard or form-fitting top and then ballet shoes for the ballet portion. No jeans, skirts, dresses, sneakers or street clothes allowed.
Hair should be pulled up and out of the face in either a ponytail or ballet bun. Please bring water to stay hydrated
Best of luck! We look forward to dancing with you in the near future!