SGP Upcoming Events
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Planetarium Community Nights (Spanish)
September 18, 2024
September 19, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM College Night
October 1, 2024
6:00 PM Parenting on the Go - ELEVATE Your Parent-Teacher Conferences
October 7, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Planetarium Community Nights (English)
October 8, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Star-B-Q
October 9, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Planetarium Community Nights (Spanish)
SGPHS Announcements
Tickets for SGPHS sports events
All GPISD High School and Middle School athletic events will be CASHLESS this year and will be PURCHASED ONLINE ONLY through our ticket provider, Fans can purchase the tickets at the link below, via the GoFan app, or via the GoFan web site.
*tickets bought online through GoFan will have an added online service fee*
- QR codes will be posted at the game sites for spectators to access through their smartphones to purchase game tickets if needed.
- All concession stands at the Gopher-Warrior Bowl stadium for the varsity football games will only accept credit and debit cards.
Ticket Pricing for Varsity Football
Pre-sale starting 8:00AM Monday of the game week
- Adults - $6.00 plus $1.00 online service fee until 12pm on game day
- Students - $4.00 plus 1.00 online service fee until 12pm on game day
General Admissions after 12:00PM game day
- Students & Adults - $8.00 plus $1.00 online service fee
Ticket Pricing for Other High School Contests and Sub-Varsity Football
JV & Freshman
- Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Baseball, Track and Wrestling
- General Admission - $4.00 plus $1.00 online service fee
High School All Sports Pass
- Cannot be used at any high school varsity football games, tournament games, or any playoff games.
- $30.00 + $2.50 convenience fee = $32.50 (Good for Entrance to 10 Games or 10 Admissions)
Varsity Football Season Passes
South Grand Prairie High School
Student Pass
- $21.00 + $2.05 convenience fee = $23.05 (Good for Entrance to 7 Games or 7 Admissions)
- $42.00 + $3.10 convenience fee = $45.10 (Good for Entrance to 7 Games or 14 Admissions)
Adult Pass
- $35.00 + $2.75 convenience fee = $37.75 (Good for Entrance to 7 Games or 7 Admissions)
- $70.00 = $4.50 convenience fee = $74.50 (Good for Entrance to 7 Games or 14 Admissions)
Buy tickets now!
First Day Reminders
Welcome Back SGP Warriors!
By now you should’ve received the email from SGP Principal Larry Jones regarding back-to-school information as well as the SGP Back to School Newsletter! If you missed it, be sure to check the SGP Website under announcements for all Back to School information:
Below are additional items that may help you out for your first day of school:
Student general reminders:
- SGP Main campus and Alex building doors open at 7:05am daily
- Breakfast will be served in both cafeterias from 7:05 – 7:25am daily
- Students should eat or wait in the cafeteria where their 1st per class is located until the 7:25 bell
- All students must enter through the main doors at either the Alex building or Main campus to go through security before 1st period (or before 2nd period for Senior late arrival.)
- If you have a class in J wing or SAC building 1st period, you will enter through the main doors for security, but you MUST get a security pass when exiting the lobby doors to go to class (before 1st period only). You will not be allowed to enter the J wing or SAC without the security pass.
- Students will report to their normal 1st period classroom listed on their schedule tomorrow morning. (1st period list will be posted in the entrances and cafeteria area)
- 1st period teachers will give students a hard copy of their schedule tomorrow morning.
- Students with late arrival will report to 2nd period (Tardy bell rings at 9:19am)
- Any students arriving after 7:35am will be counted as tardy. Please know that traffic and security will be heavy the first few weeks of school so please plan to leave your house early.
Backpacks/Phones/Dress Code
- Just a reminder that students are only allowed to bring a clear or mesh backpack daily to school.
- Cell Phones need to stay off and put away.
- Students are expected to be in school dress code daily with a visible ID worn around the neck.
Student Devices and IDs
- We will hand out student devices and IDs during 2nd period tomorrow.
- Students will be required to wear their ID visible around their neck at all times.
- Students will need to have their iPads with them daily for all classes.
- We encourage everyone to do the device insurance fee on my school bucks in the event that something occurs with their device.
High school Skyward Schedules
- Students will receive a printed schedule during 1st period tomorrow. Tonight, students should access their schedule to know where they need to go for 1st period. If room numbers have an x on them before the hallway letter they are in the Alex. Example: AX106 would be in the Alex building.
Back to School SGP Newsletter
Dear Parents and Students,
We hope you and your SGP Warrior are excited about coming back to school next week. This is our very first newsletter for the 2024-2025 school year. It is the Back-to-School Edition. We hope the weekly newsletter will be helpful in keeping you informed of all of the great things going on at South Grand Prairie HS. Be sure to click on the S’More link below for all the important back to school information. We can’t wait to see your smiling faces Tuesday, August 13th.
Check out the SGP Newsletter link below for lots of important dates and information.
- Warrior Band Parent performance - Friday, August 9th at 6:30pm in the Coliseum (see flyer)
- First Day of School - Tuesday, August 13th - 7:35am - 3:00pm
- Senior Backpack Drive - August 13th - 16th (See flyer below for all info)
- Warrior Palooza Community Pep Rally - Wednesday, August 21st @6:00pm in the Coliseum
- Senior Parent Meeting - Monday, August 26th at 6:30pm in the SGP main cafeteria
- Labor Day - No School - Monday, Sept. 2nd (all GPISD schools and offices will be closed)
- High School Meet the Teacher Night - Thursday, September 5th from 6:00-7:30pm
- GPISD College Night - Thursday, September 19th from 6-8pm @GPHS (all are welcome)
- Senior Yearbook photos - October 10th and October 11th (link posted on 2025 Canvas Page)
- School Fall Holiday - Monday, October 14th (all GPISD schools and offices will be closed)
- 9th - 11th Yearbook photos - October 24th and October 25th during ELA classes
- Election Day - School Holiday - Tuesday, November 5th (all GPISD schools will be closed)
- Check out Fall Sports Schedules are below to see what athletic events we have going on
Important Back to School Information
New Student Orientation Powerpoint Info
Check out the presentation from Warrior Welcome on August 5th:
Campus Tour from our 2024 Senior Class Officers
Below is a tour of our SGP campus that our Senior Class officers made before the start of last year, but most of the information is all still current and should be helpful for new students to find different locations on campus.
Check it out:
2024 - 2025 GPISD Calendar
If you want to save or print, see link:
2024 - 2025 Bell Schedule
Fall Sports Schedules
Check out our Fall Sports Schedules Below: (Check out the Athletic pages for more info)
SGPHS Athletic Ticket Link (Home Games)
Technology Support Information
Are you struggling with technology at home? Are you needed tech support for your device? Check out these helpful links:
Student Technology Help & Tutorial Videos
Student/Parent Tech Support
Email In your email, please include the following information
- Student Name
- Student ID Number
- Device Tag number (on the back or bottom of the device)
- Campus attending
- Valid email address for response
- Valid call back number for response
- Description of the issue that you are experiencing or a screenshot of the message
Email is available 24/7 for students or parents to enter issue requests.
Technician response and repair Monday-Friday 8am-4pm, closed Saturday & Sunday
If a device needs hands on repair, an appointment for drop off will be made
Other Resources
Students with login issues can use the following links, tickets can be entered using the second link. This is presently the most efficient way to get assistance…
Counselor Services
Warrior family, check out the SGP Counseling Site for resources, tips, and other information that may benefit SGP students and family. Your counselors and social worker are readily available to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.
Sports Physicals
Go to to fill out the forms required for athleticsInstructions: UIL Pre-Participation Physical & Medical History
1. Click on the tab titled “Download and Print” (or get a paper copy from the school and skip to step 3) 2. Click on “Physical and Medical History Form”
3. Fill out all areas on the Medical History page and then print both pages.
4. Take the forms with you to the Doctor to obtain your physical.5. Turn the physical in to your High School Campus Athletic Trainer or your Middle School Coordinator.
** Note UIL Pre-participation Physical Evaluation – Medical History form may not be completed prior to May 1st of the previous school year.
Instructions: GPISD & UIL Pre-participation Forms:
• You will need your son/daughter’s full name and their school ID number to complete the forms.1. Click on the tab titled “Electronic Participation Forms”
2. Then go to click on “UIL/Athletic Participation Form”. You will see 6 items that will need to be read and then check the box stating you have read each form.
1. Acknowledgement of Rules
2. Grand Prairie ISD Concussion Form
3. Parent/Student Steroid Agreement Form 4. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form 5. GPISD Sports Medicine Overview
6. GPISD Secondary Insurance Info3. Then fill out information below links and then sign, both the student and parent must sign. Also, parents will input current email address and then submit.
4. Click on “Emergency Info Form”, please fill in all the blanks and then the parent electronically signs the signature box. Also, parents will input current email address near bottom and then submit.
Remember that you cannot submit the physical form online. It must be filled out by a Physician and returned to your High School Campus Athletic Trainer or your Middle School Coordinator.
To sign the documents, click inside the signature box and hold your mouse down. This will allow you to create an “Electronic Signature”. If you make a mistake and need to start over, click on the refresh icon next to the signature box. If you are using an IPAD, you may create an electronic signature, by holding your finger to the screen and signing your name or by using a stylus.
Once you have filled out all of the information on each page you will have the opportunity to print the document.
You will receive a confirmation email once the documents have been reviewed by your High School Campus Athletic Trainer or your Middle School Coordinator.
If you have any questions; High School student athletes, please contact your High School Campus Athletic Trainer.
Middle School student athletes please contact your Middle School Coordinator.
FORMULARIOS DE ATLETISMO DE GPISD EN LINEA – INSTRUCCIONES PARA LOS PADRES Visite el sitio web para llenar los formularios requeridos para participar en los deportes.
Instrucciones: Formulario de Historial Médico para Participación UIL
1. Pulse en la pestaña “Download and Print” (u obtenga una copia en papel de la escuela y vaya al paso 3) 2. Pulse en “Physical and Medical History Form”
3. Llene todas las áreas en la página de Antecedentes Médicos y luego imprima las dos páginas.
4. Lleve las dos formas al doctor para obtener su examen físico.5. Entregue la forma del examen físico al Entrenador de Atletismo de su Secundaria o al Coordinador de su Escuela Intermedia.
** Nota: El formulario de Historial Médico y Evaluación Física de Participación Preliminar UIL NO puede llenarse antes del 1o de mayo del año escolar previo.
Instrucciones: Formularios de Participación Preliminar de GPISD y UIL:
• Necesitará el nombre completo y su número de ID escolar para completar los formularios.1. Pulse en la pestaña “Electronic Participation Forms”
2. Luego pulse en “UIL/Athletic Participation Form”. Verá 6 secciones que necesitará leer y luego indicar en la casilla que ha leído cada formulario.
1. Consentimiento de las Reglas
2. Formulario de Concusión de Grand Prairie ISD
3. Acuerdo de Padre/Estudiante Acerca de los Esteroides
4. Formulario de Conciencia de Arresto Cardiaco Repentino 5. Resumen de Medicina Deportiva de GPISD
6. Información de Seguro Secundario de GPISD3. Luego llene la información en los enlaces aquí abajo y firme. Se requiere la firma del estudiante y del padre. Los padres entran su correo electrónico actual y pulsan en “Submit” para entregar la forma electrónica.
4. Pulse en “Emergency Info Form”, llene todos los espacios vacíos y el padre firma electrónicamente en la casilla indicada. Luego, los padres entrarán su correo electrónico actual en la sección de abajo y pulsan “Submit.”-
Recuerde que no puede entregar la forma de examen físico en línea. Tiene que ser llenado por un Doctor y regresado al Entrenador de Atletismo de su Secundaria o al Coordinador de su Escuela Intermedia.
Para firmar los documentos, pulse en la casilla de la firma y mantenga presionado el botón del ratón. Esto le permitirá “Firmar Electrónicamente.” Si se equivoca al escribir y necesita comenzar de nuevo, pulse al ícono junto a la casilla de la firma. Si usa un iPad, puede escribir su firma en la pantalla con su dedo o un lápiz óptico.
Una vez que haya completado toda la información en cada página, podrá imprimir el documento.
Recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación una vez que los documentos hayan sido revisados por su
Entrenador Atlético de Secundaria o por el Coordinador de su Escuela Intermedia.
Si tiene cualquier pregunta:
Alumnos de Secundaria, favor de contactar al Entrenador de Atletismo de su Secundaria.Alumnos de Intermedia deben contactar al Coordinador de su Escuela Intermedia.