- Dickinson Montessori Academy
- Bullying/Harassment Reporting Forms
Addressing Bullying in GPISD
Counselors focus on promoting kindness and compassion as a method to prevent bullying, harassment, dating violence
- Campuses follow the district BE KIND monthly themes to be promoted through campus activities. Campuses have a school-wide theme which drives campus bullying/dating violence prevention and Kindness Crew activities for the year.
- Each campus plans bullying/dating violence prevention activities to enhance bullying/dating violence awareness and prevention for the year.
Highlights Include
- Guidance/SEL Lessons
- Bullying Awareness and Prevention
- Teen Dating Violence and Suicide Prevention and Intervention (Secondary)
- Character education
- Individual and Group Counseling
- Access to StopIt Reporting for Students/Parents
- Kindness Crew Clubs at all campuses
Counseling support is provided to students
Students who have been the victim of bullying/harassment/dating violence
- strategies for minimizing exposure to further incidents/coping skills
- check-in/check-out
- social/emotional support
Students who have bullied other students
- student should complete the Student Reflection Form
- social/emotional support
Additional counseling supports:
- Peer mediation
- Social skills groups
- Behavior RTI
Counseling Services also provides the following online resources
- Senate Bill 179: David's Law
- StopIt Anonymous Reporting by Campus
- AP Quick Guide - Bullying / Harassment Protocol
- Bullying Prevention/Dating Violence Information and Parent Resources
Bullying, Harassment & Dating Violence Report Flowchart
Bullying/Harassment/Dating Violence Report Flowchart (Print Version - PDF)
Step 1) Report of Bullying/Harassment/Dating Violence Incident (In-Person Written Report, Written Anonymous Report or Online Anonymous Report - StopIt)
Step 2) Designated Campus Administrator (complete steps 3 and 4 )
Step 3) Notification of incident must be made
- To the parent/ guardian of alleged victim on or before the third business day after the date the incident is reported
- To the parent or guardian of the alleged perpetrator within a reasonable amount of time
Step 4) Investigation must be initiated and completed within 5 school days (complete steps 5 and 6)
Step 5) Results of Investigation
- Determination if disciplinary action is warranted
- Notification to parents of alleged victim
- Notification to parents of alleged perpetrator
- Notification to appropriate GPISD personnel
- Notification to GP Police Department if required
Step 6) Refer Alleged Victim AND Alleged Perpetrator to Counselor for Counseling Support including
- Individual Counseling
- Small Group Counseling
- Crisis Counseling
- Peer Mediation (if appropriate)
- Family Resources