- Grand Prairie Independent School District
- Science
- Science - Elementary
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Welcome to Elementary Science
Mission Statement
The mission of the GPISD Elementary Math and Science Department is to promote the learning of science and mathematics by all students through the curriculum that is coherent and comprehensive. The instructional program will enable all students to understand and use science and mathematics to solve problems and communicate their learning in an increasingly technological world.
The Grand Prairie ISD Elementary Math and Science Department's curriculum is based upon the Texas State Standards, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. Our lessons are designed to support those standards.
Components of Science
The Grand Prairie ISD Elementary Math and Science Department believes that a comprehensive science program includes the following components:
- Visual Literacy
- Academic Vocabulary
- Conceptual Development
- Inquiry
- Student Communication
GPISD Elementary Science Instruction includes:
- Visual Literacy - A short portion of the science block (10 min) in which students are taught to interpret the diagrams, charts, tables and illustrations that accompany text in science and communicate how the visual is connected to the concept being taught.
- Conceptual Development - This portion of the science block is devoted to on-grade level instruction of the science curriculum.
- Investigations and Observations - Science instruction includes planning and safely implementing classroom and outdoor investigations using scientific processes, including inquiry methods, analyzing information, making informed decisions, and using tools to collect and record information, while addressing the major concepts and vocabulary, in the context of physical, earth, and life sciences. The percent of time per week students should be involved in the investigative study of science should be as follows:
- GK- 80%
- G1- 80%
- G2- 60%
- G3- 60%
- G4- 50%
- G5- 50%
- Claims, Evidence, and Reasoning - Following a question, probe, or investigation students make a claim considering their observations in light of the claim. The class supports the claim by using multiple sources of evidence and providing reasoning based on scientific principles.
- Interactive Notebooking - Students use notebooks to record and reflect on their learning. Interactive notebooks help students connect with content in a deeper way. They also provide teachers with an insight to student thinking and can be used by the students as an all encompassing resource.