Advanced World Languages & Cultures Courses

Advanced World Languages & Cultures Courses

AP French Language and Culture (One Credit)

Content requirements: Content requirements for Advanced Placement (AP) French Language and Culture are prescribed in the College Board
Publication Advanced Placement Course in French Language and Culture, published by The College Board.
Students will develop French language proficiency through the exploration of a variety of interdisciplinary themes that tie
closely to French culture. They will use authentic French materials and sources to develop their language skills in multiple
modes of communication, including two-way interactions in both writing and speaking, interpretation of audio, audiovisual,
and print materials, and oral and written presentation of information and ideas.

AP Spanish Language and Culture (One Credit)
Content requirements: Content requirements for Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish Language and Culture are prescribed in the College
Board Publication Advanced Placement Course in Spanish Language and Culture, published by The College Board.
Students will develop Spanish language proficiency and the ability to understand the products, practices and perspectives
of the cultures in which Spanish is spoken. They will use authentic materials and sources in Spanish to demonstrate
language proficiencies in multiple modes of communication, including Interpersonal communication (two-way written
interactions and conversations), interpretive communication, (interpretation of written, audio, and audiovisual materials),
and presentational communication (oral and written presentations of information, opinions, and ideas).

AP Spanish Literature and Culture (One Credit)
Content requirements: Content requirements for Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish Literature and Culture are prescribed in the College
Board Publication Advanced Placement Course in Spanish Literature and Culture, published by The College Board.
Students will develop Spanish language proficiency and cultural understanding through careful reading and critical
analysis of literature written in Spanish. They will understand literary works within the contexts of both contemporary and
historical cultures of the Spanish-speaking world through the inclusion of art, film and other authentic resources.