What Do I Need to Bring?

What Do I Need to Bring?

Each family applying will have to provide the following income documents in order of priority:

  1. 1040, or 1040A income tax form which documents all of the family members in the household.
  2. Annual benefit statements such as: TANF, SNAP, SSI, Social Security, Child Support, Foster Care Payment, and Unemployment compensation when applicant has been unemployed for the past twelve months.
  3. Families who receive cash benefits may submit a letter from their employer stating annual income of employee on company letterhead, signed, and dated by employer with the employer’s company address, and phone number. Letter must be notarized with a notary seal.

Other required documents are:

  • Copy of child’s certified birth certificate.
  • Copy of child’s social security card.
  • Copy of child’s current immunization record.
  • Copy of child’s lead screening form results.
  • Copy of child’s medical insurance information.
  • Copy of child’s physical exam.
  • Copy of child’s dental exam.